Chapter 4 - That Soriol Feeling

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"Fitzo?! Stai!? Is it really you two? The Chaotic Duo!" Nifty says thrillfully. "Indeed it is! And where here to get you out of this hot mess you've made of yourself!" Fitzo says as he drills a whole with his comically long arms.

"Alright explain yourself, why are you inside of the Overlord Sorio's House?!" Stai says in confusion. "I was kidnapped and made his assistant without my will. If i didn't comply he would've killed me, so I've been stuck here for a long while." Nifty says with a huge frown of dissapointment.

Fitzo twirls his long arms around Nifty, hugging her and giving her multiple exaggerated kisses around her head. "Oh I'm so glad you're ok! We were both so worried about you! Let's kill some losers shall we?" He says with a dark grin while Nifty giggles in excitment.

Stai looks at both of them with utter disbelief. "Guys, you two do know that killing an overlord is a big deal right? Like, there's a chance you might die." She says irritated. "Woah really?" Fitzo says in amusment, "It'd like to take on such a challange! C'mon Nifty, lets go!" "Yipee!" Nifty says as she jumps up to Fitzo's shoulder.

Fitzo gives battle supplies to Nifty to get herself ready to attack. Stai watched with a mix of concern and determination as Fitzo and Nifty prepared themselves for the confrontation with Overlord Sorio. She couldn't help but worry about the risks involved, knowing the immense power that overlords possessed. Nevertheless, she understood their desire to rescue Nifty and put an end to Sorio's reign. Together, the trio made their way through the intricate corridors of Sorio's mansion, relying on Fitzo's knowledge of the house's layout to navigate the various obstacles and traps that awaited them. Stai's heart pounded in her chest as they approached Sorio's chamber, where they anticipated a fierce battle. As they entered the chamber, the atmosphere became heavy with tension. Sorio, a towering figure with an imposing presence, regarded them with a cold, calculated gaze. "So, you dare to challenge me?" Sorio's voice resonated with an air of superiority. Fitzo stepped forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "That's right, Sorio. We're here to kick your ass!" Nifty stood beside Fitzo, her determination shining through. "I may have been forced into this role, but I won't let you control me any longer. I'm ready to fight for my freedom." Stai took a deep breath, channeling her resolve. "Ok fine. Sorio, your reign ends now. We won't let you continue hurting Nifty." With those words, the battle began. Fitzo showcased his agility, using his elongated limbs to dodge Sorio's attacks and deliver swift, unexpected strikes. Nifty utilized her newfound strength, using the battle supplies provided by Fitzo to unleash powerful assaults against Sorio's defenses. Stai contributed to the fight with her strategic thinking and quick reflexes, supporting her friends and exploiting any weaknesses she could find. The battle raged on, with sparks flying, energy crackling, and the clash of powers echoing through the chamber. Sorio fought fiercely, but the combined efforts and determination of Fitzo, Nifty, and Stai began to wear him down. Finally, as the dust settled, Sorio staggered back, weakened and defeated. He glared at them, his once-imposing presence now diminished. "You may have won this battle, but there are others like me. The cycle of power and destruction continues."

Stai stepped forward, her voice firm. "We'll face those challenges too. We won't let the ourselves be consumed by darkness. We'll fight to protect each other."

As Sorio's power faded, the room filled with a sense of relief. Nifty ran over to Stai and Fitzo, embracing them both tightly. "Thank you both for saving me! I couldn't have done it without you." Fitzo grinned, his usual playful demeanor returning. "That's what the Chaotic Duo is here for, after all! To bring chaos to those around them, I guess now we can be The Chaotic Trio!" He giggles proudly.

Stai smiled, a sense of accomplishment washing over her. Together, they had triumphed over adversity and freed Nifty from Sorio's clutches. The journey had been odd, but their friendship and determination had prevailed. As they made their way back through the winding halls of the mansion, they knew that their adventure had only just begun. There were more challenges to face, more rivals to overcome, but they were prepared to tackle whatever came their way, united as a formidable team. And so, with hearts filled with hope and a stronger bond, Stai, Fitzo, and Nifty set off on their next adventure, ready to face the unknown and create their own destiny. "We did it guys, we defeated an Overlord! Can you believe that?" Nifty says in disbelief.

Fitzo stops their walk to think and the both of them wait for Fitzos response. "Wait a minute, doesn't that mean-" He stopped talking and stares at Stai, waiting for her to realize what they've just unleashed.







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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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