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Jazelle Nianis
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Jazelle was asleep but she woke up feeling the warm sun on her face. She sat up and sighed. She walked slowly to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet.

She used the restroom and realized blood was coming out as well as pee. She sighed and wiped herself before standing and washing her hands. She looked in the mirror and wiped the dried blood off her face.

She began to brush her teeth but tears fell down her face as she did. She was horribly sad and her only fix didn't want her.

Michael was her only motivation to do better and she knew that was bad because she needed to want to do better for HERSELF not him.

Her stomach growled loudly and she decided she would eat something once she finished brushing her teeth and washing her face.

When she was finished she walked to the kitchen and began to scan through the kitchen.  Soon she sat at the table eating a granola bar as tears ran down her face.

She stared at the wall and sighed. She couldn't cry over him all day. It just hurt her so much because in this case , he really did leave her and move on with his life while she was struggling.

She finished the granola bar and stood up. She walked to her bedroom and got dressed. She walked to the bathroom and brushed her large curly hair that fell downwards out.

She moisturized her hair and it fell past her shoulders now. She pulled it back into a bun and walked to the door after grabbing her keys.

She headed out and locked the door behind her before going to her car. She hopped in and sighed lowly before covering her face with her hands.

Soon she worked up the strength to pull off and head to the grocery store. She arrived in 15 minutes and she headed inside.

She began to shop around for things she needed more than things she wanted.

As she was shopping her phone began ringing. She answered the call from Sydney and spoke.

"Hey Sydney."

"Hey boo. Do you want to hang out with me and some friends today?" She spoke. "Umm I don't know Sydney, I-I-"

"Oh come on. Jazelle I know you don't have anything to do."

Jazelle chuckled. "Okay I'll come. Send me an address and I'll come in like an hour and a half."  She spoke.

"An hour and a half? Okay."

"Okay bye." She hung up. She shopped around for a while.


Jazelle sat on the couch with the other models as they talked with each other and watched tv. "Jazelle what about you?" Janisa asked.

Jazelle shook her head. "No man right now." She spoke. "Oh I feel you. Men are children." She spoke and the girls laughed.

"You don't want anyone?" Ella asked. Jazelle shrugged. "No. Not really." She lied. She wouldn't tell them she was really in love with a man who was in a relationship with a child on the way.

She didn't know them well enough to say that.

"Your hairs so pretty." Sydney spoke as she braided it. "Thank you." Jazelle smiled. "Crystal did you bring Coke?"

Jazelle furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes I did. You do coke jazelle?"

"What? Yall on drugs." Jazelle asked making them go silent. "Yea I do coke." Jazelle spoke.

"Good. I thought you were about to judge us. Most models do coke. Either that or they starve themselves." She shrugged.

"Yeah I know." Jazelle spoke as crystal placed the white substance on the table. "Only a little. We're gonna have to make it stretch."

"Nah I won't do any. My nose keeps bleeding, I can't do it." She shook her head. "Okay yay more for us and um you should see a doctor." Janisa spoke.

"Yeah I know. I'm pissing blood now." Jazelle sighed. "Yeah I think you should really see a doctor. That happened to me too and they said it was good that I came to the doctor cuz they were able to fix it but the longer you wait the worse it gets. Eventually the damage will be irreversible." Sydney spoke.

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