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Hospitals. I hated them. Thankfully, I didn't have to stay overnight. Stitches and a sling, though, I did need.

Now, Judy, Father Gorden, Mom, Drew, and I sat in the hall outside of Dad's room, waiting for something. Anything. Right in the nick of time, a nurse came out.

"Mrs. Warren," he began, "He's stabilized. No need for a coroner."

"So, it was a heart attack?" Father Gorden asked.

"Yes. Not a minor one, I'm afraid," the nurse sighed.

"Can we see him now?" Judy asked, her face full of concern, as mine was, I assume.

"Negative. We're gonna put a stent into his artery. That'll keep blood flowing back to his heart," the nurse informed. My eyes got hot as Mom let out a shaky breath.

"Well, is he gonna be alright?" Mom asked, tears filling her eyes.

"We're gonna need a few more tests before I'm comfortable answering that," the nurse sighed.

"Oh god," I whispered as Drew pulled me into his chest.

"I'm sorry," the man was sincere, but it still didn't help. I was heartbroken. Judy hugged Mom, then me, and then Father Gorden hugged all three of us.

"I'm right here, Liz," Drew cooed as I threw my arms around him.


"Ugh! Liz!" I heard Drew groan from upstairs. I let out a giggle before running up to him.

"It's alive!" I laughed, mocking the infamous Frankenstein line.

"Why'd you let me sleep so damn late?" Drew asked. I climbed on top of him and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I wouldn't dare wake you," I chuckled against his lips.

"Oh, baby, you spoil me," he joked, finally getting himself out of bed.

"I made breakfast by the way," I spoke.

"Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and eggs?" Drew asked. I nodded and laughed as he threw himself on top of me. "You spoil me!"


"Hey!" I smiled, hugging Debbie as she opened her back gate. We'd created a small friend group and hung out as often as possible. We were invited to a backyard cookout, so of course, we went.

"Give me food!" Drew whined.

"You big baby," Rose whacked Drew on the back of the head before running off to help Debbie bring out bowls and trays of food.

"She's not wrong," I giggled.

"Asshole," Drew muttered before walking off to find Arnie.

"How long have you been together?" Debbie asked.

"We got together when I turned eighteen, so about eleven all together," I nodded.


The cookout ended up being quite eventful, but afterwards when everyone dispersed Drew and I ended up stuck in the house, with no power, during a storm.

"I just wanted to watch TV!" Drew began to dramatically fake-sob as he flopped onto my lap.

"Aw, my poor baby. Have a cookie," I laughed as I shoved a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie into his open mouth. Gladly, he took it.

"Thank you," he chuckled. I ran my hand through his hair as he sat up to finish his cookie.

That's how the rest of the night went. Drew and I sat up until around midnight, eating cookies and joking around until we finally got our power back. We sat there and watched movies until we unintentionally fell asleep on the couch.


"Liz? Liz, wake up, honey," Drew gently shook me awake, and I sat up before stretching.

"Are you okay? What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's, like, nine. Your dad's awake," Drew spoke softly. With that, I perked up. I jumped off the couch and hurriedly got dressed before Drew and I headed for the hospital.

"There they are," Dad smiled lazily at Drew and I when we walked into the room.

"Hi, dad," I smiled, leaning down and gently hugging my dad before Drew did the same and we both took a seat.

"Now that all of you are here, we need to call the Glatzels. It's got the kid," Dad spoke. Judy looked at me, confused, and I shrugged.

"No, honey, it's over. David's safe," Mom tried to reassure Dad.

"Arnie! It's got Arnie," Dad spoke.

"But... We just saw Arnie. We were with him all day, no signs of possession, not even the minor ones. I haven't seen anything either," I spoke.

"Before it attacked me... Arnie beckoned it! He mocked it. I swear to you," Dad spoke.

"Stay here with him, Drew. I'm gonna to talk to Arnie," I spoke.

"What? No you're not, not alone," Drew pointed out.

"It's fine. Just let me get a second opinion before we jump to conclusions," I spoke.

"I'm not talking you out of this, am I?" Drew asked. I just shook my head and pecked his cheek before he handed me his keys with a sigh.

"I'll be back," I giggled before leaving.

Why did I leave?

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