Love at first sight

19 1 1

Was a nice day when y/n founded a anthony on thre street. he wasnt ordinary anthony hwe ewas have long hair!

"Omg antony, yo u have  lonfg hair ffoeouhr" y/n say go he.

"wh yes i dou haveses logng hair."

"woddde r fudl edh! i dplove lorgg hair" says y/n

"nice" syas long haired antuhgroeufrobfehhnj6rtopdfjbgjtdfgczcvgyerbd.

The rtpeutwo gopf to  diswnfgjerrye lasfjsvd.

""wie fesI love disney landD" y/n sayd.

 'fesmee too" antrotnty stated.

zcmtheewewe end

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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