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It was the next morning and Harry woke curled beside Draco's body but he could feel that he was cold as the blonde stirred awake. Draco suddenly whimpered, sounding broken and scared, more scared than Harry had ever heard him. The blonde clutched onto Harry tight, "Hey, hey. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." Harry said softly in his ears, the sound running through his ears "Are you ready to get out from your duvet den?" "No." The blonde whined, "Baby, baby," Harry repeated twice, as the blonde got himself under the duvet again.

Harry laughed, "Where are you?" "I'm here." He said in a small voice, his voice going high pitched "It's time to get up." "Good night." He mumbled, "Oh Good night," He chuckled, letting Draco roll off of him to get some more sleep. 

He walked out of the room "Harry?" Draco whined as Harry walked over to him "Yeah?" "I'm not sleeping. Can't now." "Let's sit you up then, what do you want to do?" "Grind on your lap." "You're feisty." "Shush. Let me please." "Come on then, up you get. Is there a song?" "Yeah. You know the song I See Red?" "I do." Draco got himself up and onto Harry's lap, putting his legs on the mattress. "How do you want to? In boxers or like how we are?" "Boxers please." "Of course." The two stripped down to their boxers "There's another song but I'll do it afterwards." He spoke, as he began to grind into him. Harry responded by thrusting his hips up against Draco, and placing one hand into his hair, tugging on it.

Eagerly, both men swallowed the moans of the other, and all that could be heard was their panting, along with the distinct sound of fabric rubbing against fabric that made everything feel more erotic. Harry gripped Draco's hair tighter, and rolled them over, pushing Draco into the mattress, and his arms were wrapping around Draco and their lips furiously crashing down on each other. It had started as a fight between lips on lips until it moved to become more passionate with a battle between hungry tongues and forceful lips against one another, the passion between the two growing stronger until they could barely stand it anymore. Draco moaned loudly as Harry trailed slow, open-mouthed kisses down Draco's jawline and neck, his teeth nibbling here and there on the soft, delicate skin to leave a slight mark and their hips grinding together shamelessly.

Harry stopped making Draco as his, "Harry, please stop." "Are you alright?" "No, stop, please." "I've stopped." "Thank you. I just don't like it." "It's okay. You could've said." "I know, but I'm sorry about that." Draco looked at Harry, and wriggled under him to get out of his room and to the bathroom "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I just need a wee." "I could do with one as well." Harry walked with Draco to the bathroom. Draco shut the door, walking over to the toilet, lifting the lid up. Once he and Harry used the toilet, they walked downstairs hand in hand. 

Narcissa poked her head out from the kitchen "Morning you two." "Morning, mum." "Morning Narcissa." Harry let go of Draco's hand, walking in the kitchen "Narcissa, a quick word?" She nodded, walking back in the kitchen, closing the door, "What's up?" "Can you help me with something?" "Of course. What with?" "Making me and Draco some breakfast," "I can do it, what do you two want?" "Maybe, Avocado toast with poached eggs and smoked salmon," "Of course, go and take Draco upstairs." "Okay." Harry took Draco upstairs to his room, "Wait, what?" "Your mum said to bring you up here." "Okay?" "You'll see."

After the two had eaten, they were cuddled up in bed as Draco turned to Harry, looking him in the eyes "Harry, if I say this to you, do you promise you won't pin me back to the bed like before?" "I promise." They locked their pinkies together as a sigh of true promise "What is it?" "I know we've done it only like once, but I'm in the mood to ride you." "Up on my lap then." Draco didn't know what he had done to deserve it, and because of all of his conflicting emotions, he started to cry softly into Harry's arms. "Angel? Did I hurt you?" — Asked Harry, worry visible on his voice. Draco only shook his head, and continued to cry. "Darling, look at me, please." — Said Harry. His voice was so soft, the moment so intimate, that Draco did as asked. "What is it, darling? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Do you want us to stop?" — His eyes were so full of a sentiment that Draco didn't recognize properly, but was temped to call it love, that he broke a little more. 

Harry pulled him closer and into his arms "You are so perfect, so smart, so beautiful, so witty. How could I ever begin to deserve you? For as long as I live, darling, you'll never be alone again, nor in the dark or in pain. I'll take care of you if you let me. I'm being lovingly with you because you deserve it, and because I feel something so strong for you, but I would rather not call it love just yet. I want to be 100% sure of myself and my feeling when I say that I love you. And I'll gain you, and that's all I want. I want to make you happy, complete, satisfied. All of this, it is natural. It is just you and me. Harry and Draco. Nothing else." — He finished with a soft kiss to Draco's lips.

Draco kissed him back, the tears transferring from his cheeks onto Harry's. He pulled away, looking at the brunette, his eyes glossy with unshed tears "Oh lovely, want to lie down?" "Lie down and nap?" "Of course, lovely, let's get you on your bed or on me?" "On you?" "Of course." Harry laid down with Draco on top of him. 

It was around 25 minutes later, and Harry's eyes opened, and he felt movements from Draco who had moved to lie next to him "Darling, are you okay?" "Mmm." Draco mumbled, but it sounded more like a moan "Oh darling, open your eyes for me, you're having a wet dream." "'m awake," "You don't seem awake." "Shut up." He hissed, turning around "Don't be snappy with me. Did you nap?" "I did, just had do many Twitter and Instagram messages, and I put a question box on my story for truth or kiss, but they had to be spicy." "Alright, so it's going to be deep and 18+?" "It can be, and I haven't looked at them all." "Oh God, let me pee, and then we'll answer them." "Go ahead."

Once Harry went to the toilet, he walked back into the bedroom, sitting in front of Draco, crossing his legs, Draco did the same, getting the questions up on his phone, putting his phone in the middle of them, "Do you want to go first?" "Sure." Harry looked at the first question, "Okay, first question. Umm, if you could rate Harry in bed, what would it be out of 10?" "9.5. You're really good." "Okay, cool. Your turn." Harry turned the phone around.

Draco looked at his phone and went for a question, and giggled nervously, "Have you ever wanked at the thought of Harry touching you?" He asked "Umm. I have. I wanked off to thoughts of you fucking me last night whilst we were having dinner, that's why I kept moving at the table, and also that's also why, I made out with you as soon as we got in here." "I know, I understood that." "You understood?" "Yeah." Draco looked at Harry, and moved his phone away. "Are you alright?" "Yeah." Draco crawled over to Harry. Harry held out his arms as Draco threw himself into them, hugging Harry tight "Cuddles, is it?" "Cuddles and then a blowjob," "I can finger you whilst we're like this, if you want?" "Okay. I don't know how I feel about that." "It's okay. We can just cuddle if you want to," "I want to try." "Alright."

Draco got up, settling in Harry's lap "This okay?" "Yeah, if you're unsure, please let me know." Draco let out a small little yawn, resting his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry felt Draco grow tired on him, "Oh sweetheart, get some rest. I know you're tired, my sweet." "Sleepy." "I know you are, baby, lie down." Draco nodded, laying on the bed and on his side. Harry wrapped his arm around him, pulling him back a little bit whilst Draco nodded off to sleep for a bit more, and Harry stayed by his side. With Harry's hand now gently carding through Draco's hair, and his heartbeat a steady rhythm in his ear, Draco drifts off into a peaceful sleep; safe in the knowledge that Harry will be there when he wakes up.

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