Chapter 3

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Arni woke up to the smell of rubbing alcohol one day, two months into the incident. Sleepless nights and hangovers forced her body to give up which ended her in the emergency room. The blonde was found unconscious where the two used to go on a picnic.

The park brought memories for Arni and regrets. The brunette wanted to have two kids to adopt but Arni wanted just one.

"One would take all your time away from me how much for two"

They had discussed their future together and Arni just threw it all away. She passed out from over drinking and somebody called 911 before she would freeze to death.

The blonde felt nothing as the nurse injected her with IV fluid. She wanted to cry, not from the physical pain but the way her heart was breaking and life shattering. Sam was still yet to be seen or she was doing a good job at avoiding the blonde.

She filed a leave of absence for three days but she hasn't reported back yet. Her job at school was no longer important now that the love of her life was gone. The cheater was depressed and she knew she didn't deserve any compassion from others.

"Do you have someone you can call to come get you?" The nurse asked but Arni stared blankly at nothing. At that moment she wanted to die but dying would be just an easy way out of her problem. Hell, she didn't deserve to die for doing what she did to Sam. She needed to suffer for the hurt she caused.

Arni looked around the room seeing drunk people and some familiar faces. She sat a little better to get a good view of her surroundings.

This was Sam's workplace.

At that moment, the woman herself appeared, took notes and gave the clipboard back at the station.

The blonde took a quick look at her ex-lover. Swollen, red eyes from crying, haggard look from poor sleep and a little skinnier than before. Despite everything that happened, Sam needed to stay professional and do her best for those in need of care.

Their eyes met, Arni's heart skipping a beat. Sam made a frown and attempted to leave in a hurry. She wasn't ready to talk to Arni yet although she was very worried why the blonde was lying in the emergency room.

Arni bravely removed the IV from her hand, wincing then followed after the brunette.

"Sam, please wait."

The woman ignored her completely, still on her way down the corridor to wherever.

Sam took a turn where there weren't any people. The blonde held her arm, causing the girl to turn and face each other.

"Please..." The cheater begged.

At that point Arni couldn't contain her tears. She would open and close her mouth, looking for words to say, an apology, an excuse, a reason or whatever she could just to talk to her girlfriend.

Sam looked at Arni in the eye, not showing any hurt but of course, she was battling herself inside. She was brave, strong and must not show any weakness in front of the girl who broke her heart.

The brunette held the girl by her side, afraid that if she let go it would be the last time Arni would ever get to see Sam.

"I..I..Sam," Arni muttered. She didn't know what to say. An apology wouldn't be enough to mend whatever she broke.

Time was valuable for Sam and the more she remained the harder it was to stop her tears from falling. She was at work and personal issues must not be brought up in the hospital. Sam was very responsible and passionate in her work.

The brunette attempted to walk away, "wait..please," Arni pleaded. There were so many things Arni wanted to say in her mind the past months. She rehearsed it tons of times but everything couldn't make sense in her brain now that the love of her life was in front of her.

"I have to work," Sam explained without batting an eye and shrugged off Arni's hold on her.

Arni knew how Sam felt regarding her work. She remembered how Sam cried when she first failed her first exam to get her license then overjoyed when she passed the next. She couldn't bring herself to take the next best thing away from her so she let her go, for now. Sam walked away until she finally turned the corner and disappeared.


"Travis, please leave me alone." Arni kept on walking down the sidewalk as the man followed her by the car. The blonde had just gotten out of the hospital when the man approached her.

"Let's talk, honey" the red-head man begged or more like demanded. He hated being ignored and used by the girl. He got off from his car and followed her by foot, grabbing her by the arm.

"Listen," he pointed to her face, backing into the wall. "I say we stop until I say we stop do I make myself clear?"

The blonde squirmed under his grip but the man was too strong for her. This wasn't how she wanted it to be. He was so different from when it was just casual sex.

It was now clear that the man was possessive and abusive.

He grabbed her chin to face him, "you don't get to fucking play with my feelings and leave when it suits you."

Despite being controlled, Arni wasn't afraid of the man. She attempted to kick him in the groin but the man expected it and dodged in time.

"Such a bad thing to do Arni. My dick didn't do anything but satisfy you, remember?" He chuckled. Travis loosened his grip on the girl. "Answer your phone or else," he hissed before leaving the girl.

"Just leave me alone," Arni slid down on the ground, unable to contain her tears. What she did was unforgivable and she knew that all too well.

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