Chapter 5

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"Good morning," Sam said to the other nurses as she walked in at the start of her shift. "How are you all doing?" Sam felt a little better and hopeful. It had been weeks since that night with Arni. Friends told her to go to therapy and she did.

"We're alright but you have another gift from Ms. Ex Lover," Ruby pointed out to a bouquet of flowers with a card attached to it. Yesterday it was coffee, the other day, donuts and so on.

Hope you have a nice day

All the other nurses knew what happened and sympathized with the brunette. Someone recognized Arni when she was in the E.R and whispers were spoken.

The brunette rolled her eyes and threw away the flowers. She wanted space and Arni couldn't give it to her. Countless messages were sent to the brunette, apologizing and to give her a chance but it was left on read.

"What happened last night? I heard it was chaos in the ER," Sam asked as she looked at the charts of patients she was going to take care of.

"Bus accident, thirteen injured one casualty. The driver fell asleep and swerved to the other lane."

Sam went to her rounds after their short chat at the station. Her patients were always happy to see her and engage in a conversation. It was the patient at room 209 that Sam was the closest to.

"Good morning, sweetheart." The lady at room 209 greeted her, always cooperative when Sam checked up on her.

"Have you eaten yet, Nora?

"Not yet," the older woman replied.

"I told you to not skip your meals," the brunette reminded her as she adjusted the IV drip then handed a packet of bread.

The lady chucked, "you sound like my grandson."

"And I told you to be kind with the other nurses, madame. Go easy on the interns." Sam was comfortable with Nora, they started on the wrong foot when they met but eventually became close as they have.

"Ooh, those interns aren't careful with me at all."

"That's why they're interns, to learn. I started that way too, you know."

"I remember," the lady smiled. "You couldn't find my vein for the IV drip. You were shaking."

"And you shouted at me," they reminisced. Nora was no stranger to the hospital. She was seventy-six years old and kept coming back to the hospital for years due to her weak immune system.

Sam's demeanor didn't go unnoticed by Nora. Although the brunette kept it quite well, Nora noticed.

"Why don't you tell grandma your problem, dear."

"I don't have a problem."

"And I don't have diabetes."

Both women looked at each other, the older patiently waiting and Sam had all the time to sit and talk.

Sam took a seat next to Nora, fidgeting with her clipboard and sighed.

"My..." She paused and Nora took Sam's hands, gently. "My girlfriend cheated on me," she held back her tears.

"Where is that stupid girl?" The old lady frowned and attempted to leave her bed but Sam held her back. She didn't expect her reaction.

"No, Nora. Calm down, it's okay. It has been months now and I'm not counting to remember."

"It is never okay, I'ma let her taste a piece of me," the old lady joked. The brunette couldn't hold her laughter. She expected words of comfort or advice from the lady but what she did made her feel a little better.

"Wow, thanks Nora," the brunette wiped the tear from her eye. The old woman held Sam's hands again and sighed.

"There is never a valid reason for anyone to cheat, remember that. A cheater will never learn if you keep giving them a second, third or fourth chance. Don't give her that chance of hurting you again. You don't deserve any of that, dear."

Sam felt a little better after the talk with Nora. She felt quite ready yet uncertain of what was to come.


"Get back here!" Travis pulled Arni by the arm. She wanted to leave his house but the man had gotten controlling. Travis took Arni's phone away and she wasn't allowed out of the house and locked in his room when he wasn't at home. Screaming for help was no use too because he had no neighbors around.

The man begged Arni to stop resisting but she wouldn't let him control her. The woman felt a slap on her face and shouted at her, "fucking listen to me!'

Arni put a hand to her stinging cheek, tears started to fall from her eyes. "Wh-why'd you do that?"

Travis realized what he did and felt guilty. "I'm so fucking stupid. I'm so sorry Arni." He embraced her. "Please don't leave me. I love you, I'm so sorry."

"Do you really love me?" She asked hopingly he would listen to her.

"Yes I do, so much."

"Then...please let me go."

Travis' face darkened with rage and groaned. He began yelling and cursing at her, his true character finally showing. Arni cowered in fear, holding herself and afraid of what was going to happen.

The man saw how the woman he loved trembling and held Arni firmly, his face turning soft and apologetic. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't go. I'll die if you leave me. I can't live without you."

Arni was shaken up as she looked into his piercing eyes. She wanted to scream in fear but she couldn't. The man was obsessed with her and wouldn't let her leave his side.

"I-I am not going anywhere," she promised but the woman was scared for her life. Being held so close and eyes never avoiding made her heart beat faster than ever.

"Thank you, darling. I promise I will be better. I love you."

The man stared at her longingly as if waiting for her to tell him she did love him too.

Holding on for her dear life she said, "I love you too."

Last chapter next.

This is just a short story.

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