Megatron's plan

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It's early in the morning and a piercing alarm sets off. It shakes the whole room as you frantically fall out of the bed.

“We have a mission Y/N this is Megatron's alarm system, come with me,” says Starscream as he walks towards the hatch and you follow behind.

At the arrival of the main area, Megatron stands in the centre of the room and the rest of the Decepticons gather around him.

“Soundwave has located one of the Decepticon ships from many cycles ago. It is major if we get there before the autobots! Follow me and we will get it back. Decepticons follow me!”  demanded Megatron as everyone exists follow him.

You were excited for this mission as you haven't seen the surface yet. Unlike Starscream you couldn't transform into an air vehicle however you could fly like Megatron.

You look down below at the ocean and admire the view. As they lapped gently and calmly. It reminded you of Starscream's arms. Wait what? Starscream's arms? Nevermind.

Third person perspective:

The Decepticon's land in a forest. In front of them was an enormous ship covered in debris which looked almost fossilized within the cliff.

“I will split everyone into groups, all seekers will stay together and constructicons will stay together. Soundwave stay with the seekers and make sure they behave. Send out ravage to keep an eye on the autobots. Y/n will be with me back at headquarteres,” ordered Megatron.

All the Decepticons leave to their assigned task. As y/n walks towards Megatron, Starscream clenches his servos.

Your pov:

You arrive back at base with Megatron and he takes you to a room you haven't been to before. It was his office. The whole room was tidy and there was a large amount of paperwork stuck onto the walls connecting to each other.

Megatron looks at you and takes a small cube from his desk.

“Y/N as you are apart of the Decepticons you will trick the autobots into thinking you still are with them. You will pretend to be a hostage and fool them into liking you. Then make sure to lead all of them into one room, then I will take care of the rest,” said Megatron “This cube is connected to your body, if you even dare to betray me you will be sent into paralysis.”

You agreed with the plan as he explained it into greater detail. You both head back to the excavation of the space ship.

You arrive at the forest with the other Decepticons while listening to Megatron speak. As he mentions the name “Optimus prime” you felt nauseous again. Starscream rushes over to you like he knew something was wrong with you.

“Megatron! Let me take y/n to see my progress on the ship! ” he asked.

But just about when Megatron was going to reply the autobots had arrived. And there you saw him, Optimus Prime.

“Decepticons ! Fight! Then retreat and leave y/n here it is apart of my plan.” Megatron said.

“Megatron! We can't leave y/n she's not in stable condition right now!” protested Starscream.

“Starscream...You idiot! You fool! I have told you countless times about this plan and here you are not co-operating? Don't be a traitor!” replied Megatron furiousl

Starscream bared his teeth and carried you near a more isolated area and leaned you against the ship away from the main battle.

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