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Dom & Letty

Dominic Toretto and Letty Ortiz had always been a team - partners in life and on the streets. They had raced together, fought together, and built a life together. But there was one dream that had eluded them for what felt like an eternity: starting a family of their own.

They had tried for years, going through countless disappointments and heartaches as the news of negative pregnancy tests continued to pile up. But Dominic and Letty were determined to never give up on their dream of becoming parents. They held onto hope, knowing that one day, their prayers would be answered.

One sunny morning, as the couple sat at the breakfast table, their favorite Spanish music playing softly in the background, Letty reached for the pregnancy test kit. Her hands trembled with a mix of anticipation and fear, knowing that this could be another disappointment or a miracle in the making.

Dominic's eyes locked onto Letty's as she disappeared into the bathroom. He had seen the look of hope and longing on her face too many times before, and it broke his heart. He clenched his fists, silently praying for a positive outcome this time.

Minutes felt like hours as Letty returned, clutching the pregnancy test in her hands. Her eyes glistened with tears, but this time they were tears of joy. She whispered in a trembling voice, "Dom... we did it. We're pregnant."

Dominic's heart skipped a beat, and then it raced with pure elation. He stood up, wrapping his strong arms around Letty and pulling her into an embrace filled with overwhelming happiness. They laughed and cried together, celebrating the long-awaited news that would change their lives forever.

Their friends and family were overjoyed when they heard the news. Mia, Dominic's sister, couldn't contain her excitement as she hugged Letty tightly, tears streaming down her face. "You two deserve this more than anyone," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

As the months passed, Dominic and Letty prepared for their new arrival. They transformed the guest bedroom into a nursery, painting the walls a soft shade of blue and assembling cribs and baby furniture with love and anticipation. They read parenting books, attended birthing classes, and shared countless conversations about the kind of parents they hoped to be.

Finally, the day arrived. Dominic stood by Letty's side in the hospital room, holding her hand tightly as she went through the pains of labor. In that moment, all the speed and danger they had faced on the streets seemed insignificant compared to the miracle unfolding before them.

When their baby boy was born, Dominic and Letty's eyes met, and their love for each other grew exponentially. They named him Matheo Toretto.

As Dominic cradled his son in his arms, tears filled his eyes once more. He whispered, "We did it, Letty. We're parents." And in that instant, their journey together reached a new level of fulfillment. Dominic Toretto and Letty Ortiz had finally achieved the dream they had fought for so fiercely, and their love would continue to guide them through the winding roads of parenthood.

A/N: Is anyone actually reading this ? Please let me know :)

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