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December 2014

Taylor didn't actually have to pee. But after taking that tequila shot with Jane, she found herself desperate for an excuse to walk away. It wasn't Jane's fault. Although maybe it was a little bit. The thing was, Taylor hadn't wanted to go out that night in the first place, let alone pretty much every night for the last year. There were other things in her life right now that were much more important, like her newly adopted cat, Olivia. Of course, there was also her music. Both of those things alone were far more enjoyable than trying to pretend she was having a good time at a crowded, sticky bar.

The line to the bathroom stretched down the hall. As Taylor stopped and debated turning around, she felt someone bump into her.

"Shit! Sorry." It was Jane. That random girl who was so awkward to talk to that it was almost painful. Had she followed her?

"No worries," Taylor said, scrutinizing her. Holy shit, she was young. She hadn't been able to see it in the low lighting at the bar, but now it was clear that she definitely wasn't old enough to drink. She might've been even younger than Gigi.

Taylor suddenly reached out and held her as she stumbled sideways. Oh boy, here we go. "You okay?" she asked.

"I wanted to apologize..." Jane's voice slurred. "For being so stupid and awkward..."

"You don't have to apologize," Taylor said, sighing. She shouldn't have taken that shot with her. Fuck, that was so stupid of her. Had she really not been able to tell that this girl was absolutely wasted?

Taylor looked back towards the restaurant. "I think we should go find Gigi," she said. Sorry, but you are not my random friend, therefore you are not my problem.

Jane didn't move. "Who's Gigi?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

What the fuck did she just say? Taylor froze. "Gigi," she repeated carefully. "You know, our friend with the gray sweater and the blond ponytail..."

"I don't know who that is," Jane stated. Her voice grew panicked as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know Gigi! I don't even know where I am!"

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. This was why she didn't like going out. There were too many variables, too many chances for random, whack-ass things that could turn a decent night into an absolute nightmare. Obviously, getting wine drunk at home had its own consequences, but at least she was alone.

"Let's at least get out of this area, okay?" Taylor placed her hand on Jane's shoulder blade, guiding her back towards the bar. There was a strong, floral scent coming off of her hair that she hadn't noticed before. It was sweet, and almost a little citrusy? It seemed like an unusual perfume to be wearing in the middle of December. Then again, she was clearly quite an unusual girl.

As they arrived at the bar, Gigi and Jack were taking shots. She had no idea where Martha and Ashley were. They'd probably already gone home. They had habit of doing so right as things started to unravel. It would've been nice if they asked if anyone wanted to join them.

"Hey," Taylor said in Gigi's ear as she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Jane is really drunk. I think she needs to go home."

Gigi laughed as she put on Jack's glasses and looked around. "She doesn't live in the city, silly!"

Taylor pressed her lips together. "Okay, then where does she live?"

"Hmm..." Gigi tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I want to say it started with an R...Ridgewood? No, that's Jersey. But I feel like it had something to do with bread!"

Taylor turned and grabbed Jane's arm as she started to drift. "Jane, Gigi is saying that you don't live in the city?"

"No, but I'm staying at a hotel!" Jane exclaimed happily, striking a pose. "I'm here for a photoshoot."

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