6. Now - A Second Favour

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"Good morning! For those who don't know me, my name is Grim Moire, I'm the owner of the Bookshore! Welcome to our long-awaited book signing event! It is a real pleasure and honour to welcome the famous (Name) (Surname) to our bookshop! Thank you all for coming, some of you from very far away!"

Some people in the crowd cheer enthusiastically.

The host turns to you and says:

"You'll bear witness to the fact that, thanks to you, tourism is flourishing in Monte d'Or!"

"Oh, you are giving me credit where it isn't due, sir... You know how to welcome authors as well as readers to this incredible jewel of a shop. I am delighted to be here with you, Mr Moire, your staff and the audience. Thank you very much. Thank you to all my fans for visiting — I recognise some familiar faces. As for the ones who do not know me and my works yet, or if you are simply curious, I would be gratified and grateful if you would enjoy today's presentation and the story I want to tell. Today, I will read 'Nadir and Zenith', the second book I have ever written."

The public and the staff clap all together.

Mr Moire and the employees describe the plan for the morning: introduction of the author, reading and commenting some carefully selected extracts, followed by a series of questions and answers, concluded by the autograph session.

Nothing out of the ordinary, so far. You must admit that you are now used to that kind of show.

You courteously smile and are ready to speak up.

You remember your teenage self. You were such a shy, insecure novice writer, terrified of the crowd's gaze — your classmates, teachers, family and friends. You want to believe that breaking out of your chrysalis, making your dreams come true all by yourself and gaining self-confidence are the right direction to become an accomplished adult.

Then, why do you feel so fragile when thinking of Henry and Angela? You have become someone, made a name for yourself... Why are you not strong enough to face your past?

These scars still hurt. I do not want to reopen these old wounds. I must protect myself.

That is what a reasonnable adult would do.

In that case, why am I filled with so many regrets and remorses?

You open your book where you had marked it and begin reading it outloud. You give it your all. Your intonation is controlled, yet natural. You know exactly what you want to say and convey.

After all, this is also a part  of you you are exposing to the audience.

Your fictional characters give you a voice. The voice you have been silencing for too long.

If only my friends were here, today...

You wonder if they would ever read your books and understand the loneliness you have felt for all these years.

Your fans applause and congratulate you when you are done.

As you thank them with gratitude, your eyes flick over to Hershel, standing in the middle of the crowd. He is smiling and waving at you amicably, appearing satisfied being here.

Your jaw momentarily drops before you regain your composure.


This makes you happy, too.

As the public lines up to get your autograph, you call Mr Grim Moire and whisper into his ears:

"Mr Moire, do you see the gentleman with the top hat overthere? He is the famous Professor Layton, a VIP. He is also well acquainted to Mr and Mrs Ledore, do you think you could let him come forward?"

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