Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful sunny morning. Birds singing, little dew drops still left on the plants from the rain during the night before

Y/n groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes before climbing out of bed and walking over to her window, gently pulling the curtains away

Y/n has been living with Hatori in the main estate for a few months now. During that time, he taught her how to cook, clean, read and write (because she didn't learn how while with Akito) and other things

As Y/n looked out her window, she could see many different animals running around below

She never got tired of waking up like this every morning, after being stuck in that room for 14 years. It was perfect

But once she turned around and saw her school uniform on her bed, it clicked......


Y/n quickly started pacing, biting her fingernails

Meanwhile, Hatori was downstairs in the living room and could hear Y/n's pacing above him and quickly rushed upstairs

"Hey Y/n, it's alright," Hatori put his hands on the young girl's shoulders. "You'll be okay. No one is going to hurt you the same way Akito did."

Y/n looked up at Hatori

"Yuki and Kyo go to the same school you will be attending today. Won't it be great to see Yuki again?" Hatori said

"What if he doesn't remember me?" Y/n asked softly

"How could anyone forget you? You are definitely something to remember," Hatori gave a soft smile

"Thank you Hatori," Y/n said, starting to go in for a hug before immediately retracting her arms

"Still not ready for a hug?" Hatori asked

Y/n shook her head

"That's okay. I made breakfast downstairs. Come down when you're ready," Hatori said before disappearing back downstairs

Y/n looked back at her uniform before taking a deep breath in and getting dressed

She styled her hair in *hairstyle of your choice* before washing her face and cleaning her teeth

By this time she was getting hungry and could smell the food Hatori had made so she quickly rushed downstairs

Hatori had made Y/n's favorite breakfast food and was sitting at the table with some tea

"Thank you Hatori," Y/n said before sitting down and digging in

"I hope you enjoy it," Hatori replied

After Y/n had finished her food, Hatori called a car to take them to Y/n's school. He wanted to go with her just because it's a new place with tons of people and he knew Y/n would get overwhelmed without him there with her

Soon the car came and Y/n and Hatori climbed inside and they were off. Y/n was fidgety the entire ride, picking at her nails so Hatori held her hand closest to him, squeezing it every now and then to let Y/n know he's still there

As they started getting closer and closer to the school, Y/n saw more and more students, causing Y/n to slide down in her seat, hoping to not be seen by her fellow students

Hatori patted her head. "You'll be okay, I promise."

Once the car had stopped outside of the gates, Hatori got out and walked around to Y/n's side and opened the door for her before offering his hand

Y/n hesitantly took his hand and stepped out of the car. Immediately, every student's head turned to look at her and Hatori

Y/n quickly hid behind Hatori, a habit of hers when being watched or stared at

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