Kitsune and the Darkness

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As Okami looked at the menu trying to decide on what to order. As soon as her eyes landed on the hot chocolate option she knew what she wanted. "I'll have a hot chocolate...." Noah would have a deadpan expression. "First she shows up with ears and a tail and now wants hot chocolate in weird is this girl?" He would whisper to himself as he began making the order. Meanwhile Okami would talk with Alex about herself.

(BAKA AUTHOR! OKAMI HAD TO ENLIST HELP TO FIND THE MUSIC FOR THIS SECTION! {Wellllll excussssseeee me princess. I didn't know I had no good music for this part. Thank you mysterious benefactor. You made this chapter possible!} OKAMI WILL CONTINUE TO SCOLD BAKA AUTHOR UNTIL THEY LEARN THEIR LESSON! NOW BACK TO THE STORY!)

Alex would look at Okami with a look of skepticism. "So let me get this straight. You are a kitsune. Not only that but you were born without ears or any tails? You faced discrimination from your family so you ran away. Then by some stroke of either luck or bad luck rather, ran into my buddy Noah. Then went around town bought this and then showed up here. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?"

Okami would respond "Well when you put it like that anything you say sounds dumb

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Okami would respond "Well when you put it like that anything you say sounds dumb." She would turn to Noah "does he always talk like this?" Noah would almost double over with laughter "OH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. He's like this 24/7." He would say between fits of laughter "Noah you traitor! Your supposed to defend me not agree with them!" Alex said hurt by his best friend's betrayal. (((End song)))

{|Meanwhile in the Spirit Realm|}
{|Below Kitsune City|}

Deep below the city of kitsunes a figure would walk down a dark hallway

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Deep below the city of kitsunes a figure would walk down a dark hallway. The person in question seemed to be focused on something important.

 The person in question seemed to be focused on something important

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Kitsune: Rise of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now