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  "Of course not," Ding Bai let out a low laugh, and he began to love secretly: "It was Yan Qing who forwarded some of my explosive videos to the teacher of the Film and Television Academy behind my back, and now the other party is willing to give it to me." I have a special offer..."

He cleared his throat and changed the topic: "Go and ask uncle for me, your Yan family doesn't dislike men who show their heads, right?"

He admired the work of Ran Ling and Yan Bo'an The generosity is not because they gave them a house generously, but because the couple's attitude towards Yan Qing is the same as before, both strict and loving. Over the past year or so, under the guidance of Mr. Successfully completed two cases worth over 100 million yuan... and all of this is to pave the way for Yan Qing. Whether it is becoming the right-hand man of Pei Qian and Yan Yu, or starting a business on his own, the bright future of the future cannot be lost.

As for psychology, Ding Bai also intends not to give up, whether it's for his family or for studying acting skills in the future, there are all benefits and no harm.

"You wait," Yan Yu deliberately vomited with a smile, and he directly turned on the phone to play: "My dad is here now, you can ask yourself now."

Ding Bai exchanged a look with Yan Qing when he heard the words, he Sitting up straight,

he hurriedly said hello, "Hello, Uncle." "How did you do in the exam?" Yan Boan turned the steering wheel steadily, and asked in a deep voice, "When you enter the entertainment circle, do you plan to make your relationship public or not? "

"It's normal," Ding Bai's brows and eyes softened a little, and he replied without hesitation: "I will make it public as soon as possible." He understands the

choices of people in the bottom entertainment industry. They are constrained by the brokerage company and have to hide their lovers But this is not what he wants, he wants to stand upright with Yan Qing, whether it is blessings or flowers.

Yan Bo'an nodded in satisfaction, and when he found that the other party was invisible, he continued to ask: "Are you going to be an actor or become a trafficker?"

Ding Bai's expression suddenly became serious, and he replied in a deep voice: "Actor."

He paused, and added cautiously: "But I will not take the crew as my home all the year round. Thanks to my uncle, Yan Qing and I don't have huge financial pressure, so I will choose the roles carefully and strive to live up to every script. "

Ding Bai knows that the most loving confession is companionship, and he is willing to put Yan Qing's family first.

"It's the Yan family's responsibility to take care of Yan Qing's mother." Yan Boan couldn't help sighing when he heard Ding Bai mention Yan Qing's mother, "It's also the Yan family who is sorry for her. We elders, you don't have to worry about it."

He After a pause, the voice was full of encouragement: "Your idea is good. You don't want to make a name or make a profit. You just want to do one thing well. It will be easy to get results if you work hard." Yan Qing raised his eyes and handed a letter to Ding Bai

. "Look at it" eyes, he has long known that Yan Boan is different from his father, the other party is willing to accept and respect the thoughts of the child in the process of growing up, but Yan Bowen is not.


There are many parents in the world who regard their children as belongings. They not only want to participate in life, but also want to control the spiritual world.

Ding Bai stretched out his hand to hug Yan Qing into his arms, and he couldn't hide his joy and said, "Thank you uncle for your support." "

Xiao Bai," Ran Ling asked again with a smile when she heard Yan Bo'an and Ding Bai finish their business chat: "Have you changed your mind? Do you want to hold an engagement banquet together?"

She understands Yan Qing's scruples. Pei Qian's high-profile confession means that the crimes committed by Yan Bowen will be revealed again, but this year Yan's family has taken action to fight against her. Faced with the people who watched the excitement, they wanted to hold an engagement banquet together. In a sense, it was to support these two teenagers.

Ding Bai understood Ran Ling's painstaking efforts, but he didn't want to toss like Pei Qian and Yan Yu. He glanced at Yan Qing who was shaking his head wildly, and decisively began to act coquettishly: "Auntie, just let me and Yan Qing go, wait until When we get married, I must ask you to give good advice..."

"Okay," Ran Ling sighed regretfully, and she emphasized with a smile: "I'll let you go when we get engaged. When we get married, we have to make big things happen." manage."

She paused, and educated her earnestly: "Especially when you need to develop contacts, you have to use the name of the Yan family."

Ding Bai listened to Ran Ling's persuasion, and his eyes suddenly became inexplicably sour: "Thank you Aunt."

I don't know why.

He suddenly thanked him for not flying abroad as scheduled and decisively getting rid of Shen Si. If... what would life be like now?

The two hung up the phone.

Ran Ling turned her head to look at Yan Yu's eager ears. She raised her brows and continued the topic just now: "What did you want to tell me just now? It took so long to brew?"

Yan Yu was caught off guard by Ran Ling's straight ball, He stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose, suddenly a little embarrassed: "..."


How should he say this?

Although he has been living with Pei Qian for a year, isn't Sima Yi's intention to make this request known to everyone?

Pei Qian was afraid that Yan Yu would change his mind, so he clenched his brother's fingers and made a straight ball: "Mom and Dad, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. I plan to go to the attic with my brother to stay for a few days." He paused, pursing his lips

. Added: "By the way, let's take

a look at the land that Dad laid down for us." Ran Ling raised her beautiful eyes and glared at Pei Qian, and she said with a hesitant expression: "The engagement banquet is only two weeks away, you don't want to be disabled People, right?"

She didn't even know how Pei Qian developed, and she took the blessing of all her son's clothes, shoes and socks, and knew the development of the other party... If it wasn't for worrying about Yan Yu's thin skin, and because they were still young , the most outrageous thing is to help each other, otherwise I would have proposed to use the ancient medicine jade...

Yan. Future Disabled. Yu almost choked on his saliva, he resisted the urge to cover his face and pretended to be calm: "..."

who I am?

Where am I?

As long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

Pei Qian looked at Yan Yu who had turned into a red shrimp without knowing it. He was both amused and helpless: "Mom..." "It's useless to call

me ancestor," Ran Ling interrupted Pei Qian with a wave of his hand, she was beautiful His face was full of seriousness: "I understand that you have thought about the world of two people, but you must be fully prepared for some things..."

The two in the back seat are her sons, and she loves each other so much that she is reluctant to bear each other. A little hurt.

Pei Qian opened his arms and pulled Yan Yu into his arms. He looked up at Ran Ling and solemnly promised: "Mom, I cherish Yan Yu more than myself. I will never hurt brother/brother, and you." He told Yan

Yu A consensus was reached, Yan Boan and Ran Ling were not told that this was the same book, and they were not told that 99% of the former Yan Yu had gone to the real world... This was detected after the system restored all functions.

When Yan Yu heard Pei Qian's promise that he almost confessed, he poked his elbow lightly on the other's chest with red ears: "..."


Why do people enjoy the pleasure of stealing the forbidden fruit?

And he was executed publicly?

Ran Ling frowned, just when she was about to say something...

Yan Bo'an leaned over and touched Ran Ling's hair, he whispered with nostalgia on his face: "Remember when we were young?"

He raised his head as he spoke. Looking at the teenagers embracing each other in the back seat through the rearview mirror, he laughed and joked, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, and that's today?"

Yan Yu: "..."

He wished he could dig out a castle with his toes. If the product is not good, if Pei Qian's technique is not good, if he is bleeding like a river, can he save face.

"That's right," Pei Qian gave Yan Bo'an a thumbs-up gesture, and he beamed with joy, "Thank you dad, I'll thank you for being a driver."

Although many pictures in his memory have become blurred, he still remembers where there are good food and where there are supermarkets with the most complete categories. each other.

Ran Ling reached out and patted Yan Boan's arm, she disagreed, "They don't even know a reliable doctor now..."

Of course the Yan family has a family doctor, but the specialty is not anorectal.

Yan Boan gave Ran Ling an expression of "Everything is up to me", and he raised his eyebrows to comfort him: "They have their own measure."

Ran Ling puffed her cheeks vigorously, she smiled and waved her hand to compromise: "Okay." "

Dad "Pei Qian was not surprised by this result, he bent his beautiful eyes and smiled: "You can turn right at the next traffic light, which can save ten minutes." In the past year, his relationship

with Ran Ling has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is no longer alienated and polite , You can have disputes or express different opinions...

It's great.

Yan Bo'an looked at Pei Qian who had 'I'm very anxious' written all over his body. He reached out and turned on the car music... The

soothing piano music didn't relieve Yan Yu's embarrassment. He called the system with his thoughts as if diverting his attention: "Tongzi Xiao Qi, what are you doing?"

System 0517 slapped away the system 001 who was next to him, and he popped up and asked, "What did you call me?"

During this year, he hadn't reacted yet. Being wiped out by System 001, the point system has long been bound together. In other words, in human terms, they married earlier than Yan Yu and Pei Qian.

Yan Yu's long eyelashes drooped, and he deliberately questioned with his mind: "I found that Pei Qian doesn't have a reliable doctor friend who is also on call, bad review." "Don't wrong

my Xiao Qi," System 001 Jumping out and embracing System 0517's shoulders, he curled his lips and reminded, "Think carefully, what kind of texts are those that require doctors to be on call?"

"That's right," System 0517 puffed out his chest, and he echoed Lao Gong's words: "Although there is no doctor, isn't there a white police officer who can be moved anywhere?" He argued unconvincedly: "

Besides Well, what kind of doctor do I need if I have something good? Even if you are as happy as a god, you won't be hurt a bit."

Yan Yu's head could not wait for smoke to rise: "..."

It seems that the whole world knows that he is going to be killed.

"It's a good feeling," Pei Qian scratched Yan Yu's palm with his fingertips, and he asked with his thoughts: "Can you re-introduce the good stuff?"?

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