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Srishti came to Preeta's room after knocking and entered after permitted. "Di, Pihu's papa came to take Pihu," she informed. "Oh, okay, even I want to see who's the father of this cutie pie, let's go Pihu, shall we?" Preeta asked cupping Pihu's face, she smiled. "Yes pretty Preeta, let's go, I would even tell papa that he should make you my mumma," Pihu said, Srishti bit her tongue between her teeth trying to stop herself from laughing, Preeta chuckled. "As if he will agree, let's go," she said, stood up from the bed and Pihu too stepped down holding her hand and the trio walked out.

 "As if he will agree, let's go," she said, stood up from the bed and Pihu too stepped down holding her hand and the trio walked out

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Just as Pihu saw Karan, she left Preeta's hand and ran to him. "Papa!" she said excitedly, he bent down and picked her smiling slightly. "How's you Pihu?" he asked kissing her cheek, she smiled. "I am fine," she said and she too kissed his cheek. He smiled showing off his dimples and then looked at Preeta. "Thanks Preeta," he said and she smiled naturally. "Welcome, Pihu doesn't looks like a stranger to me, she's like my own daughter, so I don't mind taking care of her, feel free to drop her here always," she said.

 "Welcome, Pihu doesn't looks like a stranger to me, she's like my own daughter, so I don't mind taking care of her, feel free to drop her here always," she said

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"No, you already beared so much...," he was cut in between. "I didn't. Pihu is close to my heart now, so feel free to drop her here, I won't ever mind looking after this sweet munchkin," she said with a smile and he too smiled back. "Okay, I will. See you later, bye," he said and exited the house. He made Pihu sit in the car and he himself too sat inside. "Papa, I think mumma is recalling things slowly, I saw her lost when I called her pretty Preeta," Pihu said, Karan smiled and caressed her hair.

"So then she really must be recalling. And how won't she? You are helping her remember a lot, you are truly a cupid in between us," he said, she smiled. "She will come back to us very soon, right? I want to live with both of you, papa please tell, she will come back soon, right?" she asked and he nodded. "Why won't she? She will, of course, she won’t be able to stay away from you," he said. "And from my cute papa as well, he he!" she said and they had a high five. "Naughty girl, let's go," he said and drove off.

Preeta watched as they left. Srishti placed her hand on her shoulder, she looked back at her. "What happened didi?" she asked and Preeta shook her head. "Tell me, share, that ways your mind would feel fresh, you'd feel better," she said. "I felt pained to see them go, I felt as if they are a part of me now, especially Karan. I felt that it shouldn't have been both of them only to go like this, it should have been me as well, don't know why I feel like this. I feel as if there's something missing in my life Srishti,"she said and they shared a hug.

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