Chapter One

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The booming electronic music reverberated throughout the venue as the dance floor teemed with a lively crowd. Some individuals swayed and danced, while others savored the moment, indulging in drinks and engaging in conversations.

The venue was filled with influential individuals, and among them was Lady Gaga. The renowned singer danced with unabashed energy, as if there were no tomorrow, all the while savoring sips of champagne. Unbeknownst to her, someone from a distance observed her every move.

"Hey! I think it's time for you to stop!"

Stefani heard this and frowned, bringing her dance to a halt. She turned to fix her gaze upon the person who uttered those words and rolled her eyes in response.

"What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I received an invitation. Or did you conveniently forget that I was nominated this year?"

Stefani smirked and locked her gaze with those piercing blue eyes, shrugging indifferently. "Well, congratulations to you then. Now kindly go celebrate on the other side, far away from me, please!" Stefani gestured emphatically with her hands.

Suddenly, she felt his hand firmly grasp her wrist. At that moment, she wore a sarcastic smile on her face, openly mocking him.

"Who the hell do you think you are, acting like this? Everyone is staring at us. Please, just leave me alone before..."

"Before what? Huh?" He interrupted her.

"Before I cause a scene. I know you don't want that, Bradley."

"You were already causing a scene, drinking excessively and making everyone laugh and comment at my expense."

"Stop complaining," she attempted to free herself from his grasp as someone approached them.

"Is everything okay here?" a man intervened, but Stefani and Bradley remained locked in their intense gaze, oblivious to the newcomer.

"Yeah, we're fine. He was just about to leave," Stefani replied, breaking her gaze from Bradley.

"Yeah, she's right. I'm leaving," he finally released her and walked away, heading straight for the bar.

Bradley ordered a bottle of water and took a long sip, observing how Stefani immediately struck up a conversation with the man who had confronted him. They were smiling and talking as if they had known each other for ages.

"Freaking idiot," he muttered to himself, realizing that Stefani glanced at him briefly, seemingly attempting to provoke jealousy.

"Calm down, man!" Will, one of Bradley's best friends, said as soon as the man approached the bar.

"She's doing it on purpose, to piss me off," Bradley responded.

"She's clearly drunk. Try to overlook it. By the way, you said just a few minutes ago that you were over it and her presence wouldn't bother you."

"Yeah, but I was wrong," Bradley admitted with a hint of resignation in his voice.

As Bradley sipped on his water, he couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and longing. Watching Stefani engrossed in conversation with the stranger only intensified his conflicted emotions. He knew he should have moved on by now, but seeing her so effortlessly moving on herself stirred something deep within him.

Trying to distract himself, Bradley glanced around the venue, taking in the vibrant atmosphere. The pulsating lights and the infectious beats seemed to blend into a blur as his mind wandered. He remembered the days when he and Stefani were inseparable, sharing their dreams of success and carving their own paths in the entertainment industry. But fame and the pressures of their respective careers had a way of changing people, and their relationship had fallen victim to its demanding nature.

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