Wink: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

    "I'm going out, Mom!" I called, my voice echoing throughout the house. Without waiting for a reply, I hurriedly ran out the door to the garage, grabbing my pastel lemon colored skateboard. I clutched it under my right arm, tying my brunette hair into a high ponytail. I flicked the mass of hair over my shoulder and dropped my skateboard on the floor of the garage. I stepped up onto the board and pushed off, sailing down my sloped driveway and into the street. I turned right, heading down the long street. A smile tugged at the right side of my mouth. The feeling of the wind lightly brushing my cheek never gets old. It was a crispy cold winter day with wispy clouds, typical in California. I sensed a sprinkle of rain, but that didn't bother me. I turned down a street to my right, passing the house of a boy I used to know and have playdates with when I was younger. He was mean and boring now, and not worth talking to. I sadly looked away. Too many things have changed in middle school, especially in my grade, 8th grade. I pushed again, speeding up. I flew by the houses on the street I knew so well, that I had grown up walking down. Near the end of the street, I saw a sign peeking out of the dense, green bushes that surrounded the house. As I neared it, I slowed down to a stop. This was the house that had been empty for years. The previous owners moved to Tennessee a long time ago, and nothing had been done to make it look better. The sign said "Sold". I gasped.

    "Sold? What the hell..." I murmured to myself. How? To who? I stepped off my skateboard and stomped on the tail, sending it flying up into my hands. I tucked it under my arm and walked to the sign, scanning it for information. I spotted a name circled in red in the bottom right corner.

    "Sold to the Axton family. Approximate move in: February 11th." I read to myself. "Woah. That's tomorrow!" I exclaimed, practically leaping with joy. New neighbors, even if they were far down the street, were exciting. Well, atleast to me. I hopped back on my skateboard and pushed off, smoothly sailing back toward my house. I pushed off with excitement, speeding faster than usual towards my home. I ran through the garage, dropped my skateboard, and ran through the front door. 

    "Mom!" I called, excited to tell my mom the news.

    "Yes?" I heard my mom say from the living room. 

    "New people are moving in tomorrow!" I said, running to the living room and flopping on the couch. My mom had a laptop in her lap, typing away. As I threw myself on the couch, my weight pushed her cushion up, causing her to snap out of her trance. She glanced up, pushing her glasses down her nose.                                

    "Hm? Oh, that's nice, honey." She said, proceeding to look back down at her screen. I rolled my eyes and ran to my room. 'Whatever, she'll find out later.' I told myself. I walked to the electric socket in the wall in which I plugged in my christmas lights. My room immediately lit up with yellow and white colors. The Christmas lights were strung across my entire room, giving it a sunny glow. I loved it. I flopped on my pastel yellow bean bag, which matched my skateboard, letting my limbs flop in whichever direction they decided to. I turned on my christmas lights whenever I just wanted to lay down and think. I loved my room. It was yellow themed, the same as my penny board, which explains my bean bag chair and lights being yellow. It was pretty much my dream room, complete with it's own bathroom with a huge tub. I let my head fall onto the soft fabric of the bean bag.

    "I wonder who it could be..." I thought out loud, "maybe a girl... maybe a boy!" I said to my ceiling. 

    "Who could be a boy?" Asked a voice from outside my door.

    "Get out of here before I kick you and you out, Max." I said, glaring at my 9th grade brother who was peeking through the crack of my door. He glared back and walked away, muttering,

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