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"He will be fine." Jin said breaking the silence of the car, but it was more to assure himself than the others present in the car. Namjoon held one of his hands in his own while drving with the other, offering as much comfort as he can.
The drive to the hospital was the worst drive for everyone in the car.

Yoongi fell in the chair close to the operating room. The hospital staff have just taken Hoseok in, followed by an array of hurrying doctors and nurses.
Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung came running towards them, they were in a seprate car and have just reached the hospital.

"How's Hobi hyung." Jungkook asked using Hoseok's nickname again, all the doubts have vanished the moment Hoseok had jumped in front of Yoongi to save him and all Jungkook felt right now was guilt. He wasn't the only one feeling guilty tho, all 6 people present in the hallway right now felt the same way.

"They've just taken him in." replied Namjoon as he was the only one in the right state to do so. Yoongi hsan't spoken a word since Hoseok got shot, and Jin sat with him trying to comfort him through his own tears.

"He'll be fine hyung, I know he will be. He's stronger than all of this." Jimin tried to say but his own voice betrayed him. The sentence came out shakier than he intended it to, his eyes filling with tears as well. Taehyung was already crying on Jungkook's shoulder.
Yoongi heard it all but he made no efforts to reply, he was too tired to do so. All he thought about was his hobi and how he would do anything to be in Hoseok's place right now.
What if he loses Hoseok today? He was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to live.
Namjoon as if reading his thoughts spoke up, "You will not loose him hyung. He'll be fine and come back to live with us in no time. Please don't blame yourself for this, it's not your fault."

But it is my fault.

Namjoon placed a hand on Yoongi's shoulder making the older look up at him, "It's not your fault hyung." he said again, voice sterner this time.
A fresh wave of tears dropped down Yoongi eyes and Jimin joined to hug him along with Jin.
"I should have protected him, it should have been in this bloddy room not him, he didn't deserve it, he deserved none of it." Yoongi rambled and no one made any effort to stop him, it was better for him to get it all out.
Jungkook guided Taehyung to where everyone was sitting and gently pushed him down to make him sit on the chairs. The older had stopped crying but he still sobbed ocassionaly.

6 hours have passed since Hoseok was taken in the operation room. Jimin was passed out on the chairs beside Jin and Taehyung was dozing off agaist Jungkook's shoulder. Jin and Yoongi were still awake, though completely silent. Namjoon was pacing across the corridor.
Yoongi noticed this for some time then spoke for the first time in around 7 hours, "Namjoon."
The mentioned male looked at him immeditaely, eyes aasking whether he needed anything.
"Sit down." said Yoongi, his voice hoarse due to continuous crying.
Namjoon sighed,
"I'll be back in 5 minutes. Jungkook." he signalled Jungkook to come along with him.

"Bear." Jungkook softly whispered as he patted Taehyung's head to wake him up.
"Yeah?'' Taehyung asked sleepily.
"Can you sit on your own for a few minutes I'll be back."
Taehyung nodded and moved his head from Jungkook's shoulder.
Both him and Namjoon left and came back after some time with water bottles.
Namjoon gave one to Jin and Yoongi who wordlessly accepted it, then he handed one to Taehyung. Jungkook took one to Jimin.

"Angel." he whispered, shaking Jimin a bit to wake him up.
"What happened?" Jimin asked awakening with a startle.
"Nothing, you want some water?''
Jimin looked at the closed doors of the operation theathre, then sighed and accepted the water bottle.
"Thanks." he mumbled and Jungkook returned a weak smile.
"Namjoon hyung, you can sit here." he said and stood up from the chair.
Namjoon was too tired to argue, he sat in the now vacant chair beside Jin thanking Jimin. Jungkook lead Jimin to where he and Taehyung were sitting. Once he sat down, both Jimin and jungkook placed their heads on his shoulder.
"You guys can go home, take some rest. I'll stay here with Hobi." Yoongi proposed the idea which was immediately rejected by everyone.
"We all are staying here until we know that Hobi is fine." replied Jin and everyone else nodded.

Until The End  《Sope》Where stories live. Discover now