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The next time Hoseok woke up he was greeted with 4 familiar faces. Jin, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung all were present im the hospital room. He smiled at everyone.

"How're you feeling Hoba?" Namjoon asked.
"Better than before." replied Hoseok.
He scanned the room for that one person he wanted to see the most right now.
"Where's Yoongi hyung?'' he asked.
"We have sent him out to eat something, he is with Jungkook." answered Taehyung.
As if on cue the door to the room opened and in walked Jungkook and Yoongi.
They both smiled upon seeing him.

"How are you feeling Hobi hyung?'' Jungkook asked.
"I'm feeling fine Kookie.'' Hoseok assured him.

Yoongi walked towards him, leaning down he placed a kiss on the younger's lips.
"Do you want to eat something?'' he asked.
"Oh yes please. I would really appreciate some food right now, I'm starving." Hoseok answered with a pout.
Yoongi chuckled and nodded, kissing his pouting lips.
"Let me ask the doctor about what you can eat. I'll be back. Ok."

"Yuck affection." Taehyung joked.
"Don't act like you're not worse."  Yoongi said in a deadpan voice.
Yoongi and Namjoon then left to get somthing for Hoseok to eat.

"I can't eat anymore." Hoseok whined. 
"You haven't even eaten 3 full spoons, you were really hungry before." Yoongi spoke with furrowed brows.
"When I said I was hungry I meant I wanted real good food, not this." Hoseok  said gesturing towards the bowl of soup Yoongi was holding.
"Sunshine this is all you can eat. The doctor has told us to avoid spicy and hard to digest food." Yoongi told the latter who still looked unconvinced.
"Is this even edible?'' Hoseok remarked with a grimace but opened his mouth nonethless and Yoongi placed the spoonfull of soup in his mouth.
One side of the hospital bed was raised to a higher lever and Hoseok was sitting against it, and even though he was perfectly capable to eating by himself he has requested Yoongi to feed him. Yoongi, never the one to refuse him for anything has agreed readily.
After about half of the soup was finished Hoseok refused to eat any further and Yoongi didn't push him much.

"Yoongi hyung." Jimin called peaking inside from the door.
"Yeah." he replied.
"Jin hyung wants you to go home freshen up and have some rest. We will stay here and watch over Hobi hyungie."
He shook his head No.
"I'll stay here, tell Jin hyung I'm not tired."
"Don't lie." Came Jin's voice as he sauntered inside the room.
"You've been sleeping in a chair for the past 2 days and all you've eaten is crappy hospital canteen food. You NEED to go home and get some rest whether you like it or not. So get up and start moving before I whoop your stubborn ass." the oldest scolded.
Yoongi looked at Hoseok helplessly who was smiling.
"Hyung is right, you need to rest."
"Not you as well." Yoongi said groaning.
"Well I'm always right. Now Yoongi, Joon will drop you at your home. He, Jungkook and Taehyung will stay with you to make sure you do eat and take proper rest. And don't worry about Hobi, me and Jimin are here and yeah we will call you if anything happens."
The latter was completely silenced at Jin's long set of instructions.
"How do you talk so fast when you're angry?" he asked flabbergasted.
"It's my talent." replied the oldest with a flick of his imaginary long hairs.
Yoongi stared at him for a few moments then shook his head and sighed deeply.
He walked towards Hoseok and pecked his forehead.
"I'll come back soon."
"Hmmm, take care." replied the younger.
Yoongi ruffled his hairs a bit before walking out of the room. He knew Jin and Jimin were more than capable of taking care of the latter but he can't help still feeling a twinge of worry in his heart.

"So you four are my babysitters for today?'' he asked with a hint of annoyance.
"Careful now hyung, you don't want to anger Jin hyung." Taehyung replied with a smirk.
"Let's just go home." Namjoon interjected and they all left.

"What happened to Syeongul?'' Yoongi asked out of the blue when all of them were eating.
"He's in the basement." Taehyung replied.
"I think it's time to pay him a visit." said Yoongi with a malicious tone.

All four of them made their way to the basement once they were done with eating.Two gaurds were standing outside the door, they bowed towards the leaders. Yoongi signalled them to open the door. Once all four of them were inside they saw Syeongul tied up in a chair, unconcious.

"Wake him up." ordered Yoongi.
A gaurd splashed some water on the latters face who woke up startled. His eyes seemed to show no recognition at first but then they darkened and he smirked.
"I guess the little bird is alive afterall." he said mockingly and Yoongi had to hold himself back from shooting the mam dead. Jungkook had no such control tho, he punched Syeongul in the guts, the latter doubling over due to pain.
"You really do talk a lot, don't you." hissed the youngest.
"You just wasted one of your hits." joked Taehyung.
"I forgive you this time, those two hits still stand." Yoongi said with anger.
"I want one too." Taehyung requested.
"You'll get one, just not now." replied Yoongi and then walked towards the tied up Syeongul.
He crouched down to the other's level and held his jaw harshly.
"I'll make you pay for everything you've done. I'll break every single bone in your body, I'll tear your flesh piece by piece, inch by inch to the point you'll beg me to kill you. You won't even be able to scream when I do so, I'll make sure of that."
The smug look was wiped from Syeongul's face replaced by pure fear and Yoongi liked that fear. He slapped Syeonggul hard and left, satisfied.

Yoongi sat down on his bed after taking a shower and sighed. He was fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, no matter how much he said he wasn't tired or he didn't need rest.

Time Skip-

Yoongi arrived at the hospital with the other three members.
"Nobody tells Hobi anything, remember?'' he said with authority. The others nodded.
Satisfied he started walking towards the latters room.

Jin, Jimin and Hoseok were talking about something when the door opened. All of them turned their heads to see who it was. Yoongi and the others stood at the door with a smile.

Hoseok's face lit up as soon as he saw the older, even if it's hardly been half a day he still missed the other.

"How're you?'' was the first question Yoongi asked.
"Better than yesterday." replied Hoseok with a grin.
The latter then turned to the two guys that were with Hoseok all this time.
"Thanks for taking care of him." he said.
"Anytime hyung. You do know that you're not the only one who loves Hobi hyung. He is family." replied Jimin.
"Yeah, you guys can go home now by the way, you also need to take rest."
The duo nodded and soon the room was empty except Hoseok and Yoongi.

Yoongi sat in the chair when Jin sat previously and held the younger's hands, who smiled brightly.

"I've missed you." he said softly.
"You saw me in the morning." replied the latter.
Hoseok laughed and lifted his hand to carass the older's cheeck softly.
"I've missed you too my love." he whispered which made the latter smile as leaned down to peck his lips.

For sometime they just sat there, holding each others hand. Not talking, not moving, just being together and savouring the presence of the other.

"What happened with Syeongul?'' asked Hoseok suddey.
Yoongi breathed deeply.
"He's dead." he replied, clutching the younger's hands tighter.
Hoseok's body tensed for a moment then relaxed visibly and he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again he had tears in them.
"Thank you." he whispered in a small voice.
"Don't cry sunshine, you're with me, you're safe now. No one will hurt you ever again." assured Yoongi in a gentle but firm voice. Any one who dares to touch his sunshine again will face the same fate as Syeongul if not worse.

"When can I go home, I'm getting pretty bored here?" asked Hoseok trying to lighten up the mood a bit.
"The day after tomorrow." replied Yoongi with a smile and the latter also smiled brightly.

They then talked about everything in general for quite some time. At one point in their conversation Yoongi noticed Hoseok's eyes drooping slightly, he smiled.

"Take rest now, we will talk tomorrow." he said.
The younger tried to protest but he was soon overcome by sleep.

Yoongi pecked a sleeping Hoseok on the cheeck before falling asleep himself.

God he was so much in love.

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