Dani Rojas

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You sat at the end of the table in the room. You were invited to a party at Dani's, it was a celebration party after Anton's defeat. There were already so many people there, you didn't like parties. You only came because Dani was your best friend. She always had been, even before all of this Yara mess. "Hey." You turn to see Clara walking over to you through the crowd. You slightly rolled your eyes as you looked up to her. She was holding an opened beer in one hand and another under her arm. Clara reached for the unopened bottle and handed it to you.

You scoffed slightly and took the bottle, Clara knew you didn't drink. "It's been a hell of a week." Clara stated as she pulled a chair over and sat beside you. "Yeah, it has." You stated looking around the room, full of your friends. Your head began to hurt as the music grew louder. "Have you seen Dani?" You asked loudly over the music. Curiosity in your voice as you sat the beer down on the table. "Not sure." She stated just as loud as she took a swig from her bottle. Deciding it was time to leave, you stood up from the chair. "Hey where ya' going?" She asked the you, the smell of alcohol was literally dripping off her. "Home." You stated as you pushed the chair in, hoping to leave before anyone else stopped you. Making your way through the crowd beer was spilled on your shirt, it wasn't a lot but it still pissed you off. "Shit! Lo siento." Some random person yelled as you scoffed and began walking quicker towards the door.

That was until you bumped into someone, Dani turned around. You lit eyes widened slightly as she grew a scowl. "Watch where your- oh hey." She said realizing it was you. "Hey." You said softly as you looked up to her."What happened ?" She asked once she saw your clothes and frown. "Someone spilled their drink on me...I just wanna go home." You stated giving her a sided smile, she frowned slightly. "Stay just a bit longer?" Dani asked looking at you softly. "I don't know...." You answered her, you wanted to go home. The party was loud, your clothes were wet, and your headache was getting worse. "Please?" She questioned giving you puppy dog eyes. You knew it would be hard telling her no. Looking at the crowd you bit your tongue and looked back to her.

You sighed and shook your head as you looked to your feet. You really wanted to go home but the way she smiled and wanted you to stay made you think on it. Of course you were the only one ever really seen her like this so you knew she had a few drinks in her system. You looked back up to her and she had a small smile on her face. "Maybe for a little bit longer." You answered giving her a soft smile. You were honestly really happy when Dani asked you stay because she was really the only one you came for.

Her eyes lit up at your words and a big smile fell on her face. You furrowed your brows and cocked your head at your actions. Before you knew it, she was dragging you through the crowd. Your eyes widened slightly as she pulled you to the stairs. "Where- Where are we going?" You stuttered, a confused but slightly nervous expression on your face. Dank didn't answer as she just kept bringing you upstairs. It made you more nervous but you said nothing. You swallowed hard as she stopped at a door in the hall. "Wha-." "Shhh." She said cutting you off. You have her a sided smile as she opened the door. You had never really been to her house before so you figured this was her bedroom. Your headache was dying down slightly as you looked over to her. "I may have some extra clothes you can wear." Dank said as she stepped inside her room. You followed and sat on the edge of the bed as she dug through her closet. "Here." She said throwing you one of her t-shirts. Your face grew pink as you realized you had to change in front of her. You had always took a liking to Dani but you were too afraid to tell her. You sucked in a breath and managed to say thank you. She didn't leave the room so you knew you'd have to change in front of her.

You grew slightly nervous as you reached for the hem of your shirt. Before you knew it you had pulled the wet shirt off of your body, revealing your black lace bra. You ignored her standing there as you pulled her shirt on and looked over to her. "We can stay in here if you wanna? I know the party's loud." Dani said softly as she looked down at you. You instantly nodded before she kicked her boots off and jumped to head of the bed. "You comin up here or you just gonna stay down there?" She questioned looking at you. You sighed and climbed to the front of the bed. Your heart was pumping as you laid there. You knew you'd have to tell her, you thought that if you told her now she wouldn't remember tomorrow. "Dani... can I-." You couldn't even finish your sentence before she tackled you.

You shrieked as she began tickling your sides. "Hey! That tickles!" You squealed as she laughed and giggled at your pleas. This was something she had never done but you weren't complaining. Dani was your best friend, but you really couldn't think of anything as her warm hands traveled your body. You squirmed under her as she tickled you more and more until she finally stopped. Giggling, you took in a breath as did she. It was weird, the feeling you got from it. You were literally in love with her, but always to scared to say something. The room got quiet and she looked at you before she began laughing. You joined her and laughed until your sides hurt. "You having fun now?" She questioned through laughs. "Yeah, I am now." You answered as she sighed loudly. You watched her lay down on her side, her moving hand to rest her under her head. Looking around her room you tried thinking of anything other than what you were feeling. "What do you wanna do?" She asked, you hummed and looked over to her. "Oh I don't know really, we could just talk?" You questioned, you were growing nervous as her eyes roamed your face. Dani's eyes landed on your lips. "Y/n, what were you gonna say earlier?" She asked her eyes lingering on your lips for a second before meeting your eyes again. You were frozen, you couldn't just tell her.

"I uh...." You stammered, you cursed at yourself as you couldn't come up with a lie. "Y/n?" She questioned as she kept looking up to you. You sighed and tried finding anything else to look at. Of course it wasn't working, she looked away from you for a split second before her eyes met yours again. It was quiet, too quiet. You were nervous more than anything. Your heart pounded as your eyes looked down to her lips. You bit your tongue and cursed your self again. A smile fell on Dani's face and you grew confused until  she slowly leaned up and connected your lips. She kissed you slowly and softly. Her lips were warm and welcoming. Your cheeks heated as you kissed her deeply. Something you had always dreamt about. You loved her, always had but you considered yourself a coward for never telling her. She hummed slightly and your worry stopped, the only thing you were thinking about was her lips.

The kiss felt like forever. You didn't wanna stop, she tasted of whiskey and cigarettes. She pulled away slowly and met your gaze again. You were stunned, your cheeks flushed as you looked at her. You wanted to say it so bad, you wanted to tell Dani just how you felt, that was before your heart stopped . "I love you." She stated, her eyes widened as she said it.  You looked at her with wide eyes. You couldn't believe what she just said. Dani grew a look of sorry and she began speaking"Sorry...I-." "I love you too Dani." You blurred out cutting her off. Your eyes widened now and you wanted to leave badly. Your nerves worsened as you watched her.

Scared shitless, that's how felt get in that moment. Until her gaze softened and she smiled. You furrowed your brows as you looked at the woman. It was beautiful to see her smile, she was like an Angel. You loved it, you stayed admiring her for a few more seconds before she captured your lips again. This time she bit your lip slightly, earning a giggle from you. It was amazing to finally tell her how you felt. You had never thought she felt the same. Dani pulled away to layback down and you frowned.  "Hey!" You protested as you looked down to her. She looked up to you, a playful smile on her lips. "What?" She asked innocently. You poured and gave her puppy dog eyes before she pulled you lay down beside her. "I've always loved you." She stated as she pecked your lips before she pulled you into her. You melted in her arms and grew a wide smile. "I have too, I was just so scared to tell you." You answered her, she hummed in response. "I was scared too." She replied softly. She buried her head into your neck and you smiled. Dani was never one to really get so gently and soft so it sorta surprised you.

You grew a playful smirk and looked down to her. It was something special. "Don't tell a damn soul about this." She stated as she moved her head to rest in your chest. "About what?" You asked innocently, giving her a cheeky smile. "Puta!" She said playfully earning a laugh from you. "Let's just sleep." You told her as she moved to pull you into her chest. She was warm and welcoming. You began dozing off and heard her whisper softly. "I love you Y/n." She said as she stroked your hair softly. You smiled and breathed in her scent. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep in her arms.


I'm so sorry if this sucked, I had to do some research on Dani and so it may not have been that good, I figured she was more of a badass and in here she's soft. I'm sorry if this wasn't great.

This was for z0mbiegrrrl

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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