Part 1

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                      Hi, My name is Serenidy and this is the story of my life from 6 years til now. 

 I was just like you being a normal child. I wasn't as much of a trouble child even though I had my moments but when I was little everyone didn't like me and I wanted to know why.  I tried so hard to make up the things I did but everyone just hated me because the way I was and looked. If you were me, You would be pretty livid with my anger issues which I am still trying to ease down with my medication but It's not working and the bullies I have just makes it worse. I had many breakups and til now I am used to it by now and you may think I get angry easily? yeah I do but I am still trying to control it but I just want to make everyone better and smile but it is hard when I have haters from left to right and in front and in the back. Losing someone can be very hard when you lose somebody that's been in your life ever since you were born.

          If you were me,  you would know how it felt to be me, I had a couple of friends throughout Dover but fitting in was hard. I was the shy nerdy girl. I always loved BTS be cause it was my state of calmness when I was down and everyone made fun of me because of it and the teachers didn't do anything about it so I was the one to blame for nothing and people just hating me for no reason was super strange and the drinking habits my stepdad has is really scary. As I got older my problems are still biting my in the ass because of my mood swings and anger issues and trying to make everyone smile is my top thing to do because seeing everyone smile is my favorite thing to see even if it makes me have to do something to see them smile.

              Have your parents fought? I know I know you will tell me "Yes parents fight, It's part of their nature" but one drinks to much? yup that's how my life is just drama when I don't want it to start but it starts anyway because of stupid stuff that goes on in my life which does not a need to start but thats my life the going on at this point. ( EX-CLAIMER:I will being writing more but I will publish this for now)

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