Part 2

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      Sometimes people tell me to brush it off but some things you just do not brush off because when someone comes after my family I start to lose control and not let things go until some one pulls me off. But with my family fighting til the police come makes my anxiety goes up because my anxiety can get really bad and which makes it difficult to breathe and sometimes I wish I could escape or leave without any fights going on which is hard to come by these days. The fights never stop and I mean NEVER STOP, I wish my sister was still here before she moved, she would comfort me when I needed it the most.

       When they fight I wish I could shut them out and just have a good life without any fights but no I can't have that now can I? It is like non-stop fighting and trying to escape them but I can not because they won't let me find a safe space to stay while they fight and it scares me because what if something happens to my mother while my stepdad is hurting her and yelling at her which is happening right now but I guess everyone needs to have their "arguments"  which happens 24/7. 

       I wish my grandfather was still alive so he can be around me and I do not have to worry about a thing while they fight and I can't even get any sleep because of their fighting which makes it m ore harder for me because I have school early in the morning and have to be there at 7:33.

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