Chapter Two

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I sneak through the hotel room to the puke green colored door so that I can get going to see my family. I pat down my pockets looking for my keys, "Son of a bitch." I whisper quiet enough that I can only hear it. I look to the side of the bed that Dean is sleeping on and sure enough my keys are not even six inches away from his face, but I stop and look at Dean because he looks so peaceful and plus I kinda may have just imagined having hot car sex with him. My keys are just sitting there on the night stand mocking me because I don't have the balls to get my own keys. I grab my myself by the non existent balls and go over to the night stand and quietly grab my keys, then I tip toe to the door and walk out slowly shutting the door as I leave. There she is, she is so beautiful, my 1969 Boss 302 Ford Mustang in Grabber Orange, she has been my dream car since I was nine years old and since 2010 she has been mine and obviously still is. Snapping out of my gaze I crawl in and make sure not to slam the door...I absolutely hate it when Sam slams the doors. I put the keys in the ignition and turn, the roar of the engine is loud enough to wake a sleeping elephant and oh does it sound good. Before I back out of the parking lot I see Dean open up the curtains and look at me through the window, he smiles and mouths the words "see you soon" and I nod because I know I will see him soon. I then back out of the parking lot blaring the speakers to Sympathy for the Devil. I seem to drive and drive and finally I'm here, Garden of Memories. Pulling into Garden of Memories does something to you, feeling all the sorrow in the air it's like you can smell it. I find my brothers and dad's grave and I make sure to bring Bud light and some rum. The beer is for my dad and the rum is for my two brothers. I also bring a folding lawn chair so that I can enjoy that drink with my family. I unfold the chair and set up a small radio and set the station to the local classic rock station and I hear Dust in the Wind by Kansas so I know I have the right station. I the hear the purr of the Impala and I know it's Sam and Dean. By the sound of the grass underneath their boots they are taking their time to get over here, I mean I would take my time to if I saw a girl drinking down rum and beer right and left while sitting next to her father and brothers grave and listening to Dust in the Wind. "Hey Dakota." I hear Sam say shyly.
"Hey Sammy." I say with a heavy heart, I wipe my face and feel wet, I guess I started tearing up and I didn't even know. I get up out of my chair and turn around to face the boys. Sammy notices my red eyes immediately and looks sad. "Dakota how are you doing?" Sam questions me with worry plastered all over his face.
"Well Sam, I made it to another day if that answers your question."
Dean takes one of the cheap solo cups and pours a small amount of whiskey into it and raises his hand in the air and begins to speak "I'll drink to that Dakota." Dean and I bump cups along with Sam. Dean, Sam, and I down our whiskey. I then take the bottle from Dean as I do that I accidentally grab his hand and Dean looks me in the eye and moves his eyebrows up and down subductively. I begin to pour the alcohol on the grave that reads " Dominic Rodgers: Amazing Father and Husband", then I keep going to another grave that reads " Black Rodgers: Beloved Brother and Son", then to the last grave " Jack Rodgers: Beloved sibling and son"
As soon as I am done pouring the bottle I turn around to the boys again, but I don't look up at them I just pack up my chair, radio, and what's left of the rum and beer. Sam and Dean walk me to my car and I put my stuff in the trunk.
"Well boys, where are we going now?" I question. "There isn't a case, so I guess we have a day off, which rarely happens, so let's enjoy it." Dean says.
"Alright well Dean and Sam, what do we want to do?"
"Let's go get something to eat because I'm starving." Dean says with grin. I then hear the jingle of keys and I see Dean toss them to Sam. "Here Sam, drive Baby because I'm going to tag along with Dakota okay...and meet us at iHop." Dean says. Sam nods slowly in agreement, I take my own keys out of my pocket and walk to the drivers side of my own baby, I get in and Dean does the same.

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