Part 10: The Memories

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OJ continued to look around the first floor. He found nothing. The only person down here was Tissues. He was sleeping on the couch, and he's a very sound sleeper, so they'll be fine, but he's not Paper.  The more he looped around, the more he looked, the more he found Bomb's body. The worst part was he couldn't find where Paper was! And, for some reason, he had no clue where he would be. Vellum kept making fun of him for it. After the 19th loop, he sat next to Bomb and sighed.

"I can't remember where Paper would be! Ughhh.." He held his glass and groaned, looking at the floor.

Vellum spoke up, tapping him lightly. "Hey! Maybe it's that giant gash in your head! I mean, come on, darling, that can't be healthy."

"How would you know what's healthy."

He rested his hand somewhere on OJ's missing part. "I might not know exactly, but would you think this h-"

"LET GO!" He shouted and pushed Vellum off him.

Vellum giggled. "See, doesn't it hurt, hun? I would think that's the thing messing with your brain! Come on, don't head injuries mess with the head?" He shrugged.

OJ sighed. "I- You're right. Whatever."

A voice came from upstairs.

"Is everything alright down there? We heard a scream!"

The voice got a bit muffled, and another one was heard bickering with them.

"Whatever, we both know there's nothing wrong. Someone's probably just being stupid and overreacting."
"But we have to check! What if they got hurt??"
"Fine, fine, let's go.. idiot."
"Shut up."

Footsteps were heard, and OJ looked at the staircase. They were coming down pretty quickly. He could only mutter one thing before they got down there.


As the people- no, the person got down there, it was, of course, revealed to be Yin-Yang. They looked at OJ, then at Bomb, gasping. OJ stood in place, grasping his axe.

Yin looked terrified. "What did you do!?"

He couldn't answer. They can't see this! But- but they already have! What's he supposed to do!?

"Do what you have to, OJ. Do what you've done to the others who have gone against your plan."

As Vellum spoke, a shiver went down OJ's spine. He took a few steps towards Yin-Yang.

"Get the fuck away, weirdo!!"
"H-Hey, can't you just calm down, OJ-? Let's all j-just calm down-"
"CALM DOWN?? Do you think we can calm down right now, Yin!? He's about to-"

OJ didn't listen to their pleas, continuing. They weren't paying much attention to his approach, so he walked as close as he could to them and swung at the top of their head, cracking them straight down the middle. A grey-ish blood poured out of them as their halves fell to the floor. They couldn't even scream. Obviously, they were still alive, so he slashed at both of the halves' faces. They'll be dead soon enough anyways, no need to finish them off. They can suffer for a while. OJ looked at the staircase.

Let's just get this over with.

He walked upstairs, not minding the corpses he left on the first floor. He looked at the doors.

"Why don'tcha try every room until you find him?"

"Then I would have to kill EVERYONE, Vellum. I don't want to do more than I need to."

"Okie-Dokie, Mister J~"

"Not funny."

He looked at the rooms. Which one could be Paper's? It seemed impossible to tell the difference between the outsides. He looked at the doors until he saw one of the rooms had a faint light shining from inside.

A faint RED light.

It's gotta be this one. It can't be any other room.

He turned the knob.

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