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𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒚 𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕 18+


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I knew this wasn't the best moment to be experimenting but I didn't know when I'd ever be brave enough or if I'd ever get another opportunity like this

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I knew this wasn't the best moment to be experimenting but I didn't know when I'd ever be brave enough or if I'd ever get another opportunity like this.

After all, whatever this was I needed to put a stop to it. I can't go through what I went through today again, I was traumatized enough and it's evidently clear if I continued being around Nyx I'd constantly get hurt.

It's only fair if let him bask in this moment before doing the inevitable.

He leaned in, pressing his lips against mine, softly at first, his lips moving beneath mine " you're going to be safe. I swear I'll keep you safe."

His tone was so tender it tore little pieces out of my heart.

He swilled at my lips, teasing me with little nibbling kisses along my plump, bottom lip before taking my mouth in a deep, possessive kiss, owning in a way that I could never imagine. His lips had ideas. His tongue had plans. His lips, firm and warm, played across mine, tempting me until I was gasping for breath. He captured the sound in his mouth, taking advantage of my open lips, his silken tongue stroking along them, delving inside. I sighed into his mouth, eager for more— desperate for more. Pressing his body closer he deepened the kiss, changing the pressure. He delved deeper, stroking firmly.

He made me feel unhinged . . . like he could take me apart and put me back together again and again.

My hands seemed to move on their own volition, running along his broad shoulders and wrapping around his neck. Tentatively, I met his tongue with my own and was rewarded with a satisfied sound from deep in his throat as he tightened his grip, a ribbon of fire curled in my stomach. Fuck. His moan alone made panties soaked all the way. He retreated, and I followed, matching his movements until his lips closed scandalously around my tongue and he sucked gently—the sensation rocked me to my fucking core.

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