Chapter 5

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(Asher's POV)

"Renovations? What do you mean by that?"

I frowned. What is happening exactly? Right after Baron Constance was finally proved guilty for all the crimes that he had committed, in addition of trying to hurt Cecilia, I received news that he had consumed poison to commit suicide. That could come as a good news to me but then, he suddenly wake up and started doing strange things around his fief.

"It is as exactly as I had said. Our spy reported to me that he had increased all the servants salary by tenfold, in addition of giving a huge compensation after the end of this month." My royal advisor, Aran reported while flipping through the pages of what it seemed like the report document.

"I see. Then, what is with this new discovery that you talked about?"

"Yes. Apparently Baron Constance disclosed an amazing agricultural discovery that our researchers had never been able to solve before."

"What is it?"

"It is about the usage of a new type of soil mixture to bury a dead land."

My eyes twitched. "I see. And what is so special about that discovery?"

Aran paused for a bit. "Sir, for years, our researchers has been searching into ways to cure a dead land that appeared after a plague by mixing together light magic, fire magic and earth magic to form a concocction. However, even if we managed to find a suitable mixture, we still could not find a suitable way to implement it to the dead soil because the effect will wear out easily. That is why..."

The one explaining to me took out a pouch from behind his cape.

"By combining the soil that Baron Constance had prescribed, we are able to place the magic mixture into it, making it into a healer soil. Not only it flourishes crops that grow on it, but it also heals the soil that was buried beneath it. This is like killing two birds with one stone."

He finished his explanation, yet at the same time looking strangely happy. I unconsciously chuckled.

"Aran, you really are enthusiastic when it comes to doing researches."

Aran grinned. "You jest, your highness." He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"So, what will you do, Your Highness?"


I caned my chin on the desk. Due to the fact that Baron Constance had harmed Cecilia before, my father agreed to let me handle the execution of Baron Lancelot Ral Constance quietly. Though we are able to openly execute him, Baron Constance has a close relationship with Louis' fiancee, the daughter of Ronan Marquis family, Avery Ila Ronan.

Ronan family is in next in line with the royal family, meaning that they have almost an equal power with the royalties. If news about one of their relatives was harmed by a royalty, things could get complicated.

Though, I doubt that the Ronan family even bat an eye towards the Constance family. Their fief was small and located in a place where a great war had happened, so there are a lot of dead soils here and there, rendering agriculture as a very hard task to do.

Even though his townspeople were suffering, rather than helping them, Baron Constance increased the amount of tax that the people had to pay, in addition having them pay it monthly. Due to Isaiya being the only town there is in the northeast, people were reluctant to leave and were forced to stay and pay their tax to him.

Moreover, that Lancelot was persistent in his attempt in sucking up onto his relative that he would always sell their name out everytime he came to the capital. That was why his family was banned from entering the capital. But then.... He suddenly changed, huh?

"I'll pay a visit to his household. I'm curious as to why he managed to change so drastically in just a short amount of time."

I stood up. Automatically, my personal maid swiftly put on my long coat on me as I head to the exit of my office.

"Your highness, do you want me to push back your schedule for you?"

Aran asked. In his hand was a small notebook that was filled with all my schedules of the upcoming events all written accordingly. In additional of being a great advisor, Aran is also a splendid secretary.

"Yes, please."

As I made my way to the throne room to ask permission from my father, my mind was filled with thoughts of Baron Constance. If he really did change, I might as well change my plans to assassinate him.


(Asher's POV)

"We have arrived, your highness."

Aran informed as he left the carriage first, holding the door for me to exit. I also exited the carriage and looked around the perimeter of the mansion.

Shortly after that, a figure opened the entrance door and bow down politely.

"It is a pleasure in meeting you, Your Highness, Crown Prince Asher Sol Tristan."

I nodded.

"Thank you for having me."

The butler then stood up. "I introduce myself as the head butler of the Constance Family, Taylor. For now, please follow me."

The head butler spoke to us before we entered the house. As we walked, following the butler from behind, I noticed some changes inside the mansion, not that I know what was changing because this is the first time I ever truly stepped foot inside it. The hallway that was supposed to depict the image of extravagance of a noble looked empty and white, no lavish decorations nor statues were spotted, and the curtains are white.

The garden too is changing. I believe the former Baron Constance likes flowers so much that the garden would always be filled with colorful and unique flowers. Now, they were just empty plot of land.

Is he perhaps transferring somewhere?

Although that sounded particularly impossible as our guards that we placed at the borderline of the fief reported to us that there were no suspicious activities or any activity that indicates the Baron running away from his fief, so that probably was no the case.

However, I guess it's true that the Baron ordered the townsfolk to bury the dead soil as during our journey towards the mansion, the townsfolk were very busy burying soils, probably they will plant new crops soon. So if the Baron is really planning to run away, he wouldn't tell the townsfolk to start anew for agriculture, right?

After the butler had led us to a room, he informed us that the Baron would be slightly late because of some matters that he needs to attend. That too struck me as strange.

"You noticed too, right? Prince Asher."

Aran whispered to me. It was a silent rule between me and Aran to call me by my name when we're outside the palace.

"I do. I wonder what they are planning to do."

The two of us waited quietly for the Baron to show up. In the meantime, Aran would telepathically order the special recruit we brought from the palace to prepare if there were any possible harm incoming.

The two of us were shook with the sound of a knocking coming from the door.


Following the sound, a voice uttered from outside of the room. "Pardon the lateness."

The door opened before a figure came in. Just like the butler, he bow down his head respectfully, staying still for a few seconds and then stood up again while weaving a smile.

"I am Baron Lancelot Ral Constance, it's a great pleasure to meet you, Your Highness the Crown Prince." Despite the familiar voice of the Baron that greeted me, I found myself astounded.

This person in front of me was the usual man that was an enemy to me and Louis. An annoying, and reckless type of noble who would dare to sell his own family for his own desires. It should be like that, yet...

Was he always this different?

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