chapter 6

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"Suprise LISA!" I looked at the person who tapped my shoulder. I gasped seeing the person.

"Lali, missed me?"

"Bambam!?! It been a long time I didn't even see in Thailand." I said and he chuckled. I went and hugged him. He hugged me back. Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Ehem! Ehem!"

"Hey, Jungkook! How are you bro? Is this a way to greet you friend?" He joked and laughed. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Then unnies and seonbaes approached him.

"Ohhhh! My God! Bambam!" Rosé screamed loudly.

"Hey! Rosie Posie missed me??" Bambam said and opened his arms for a hug. Rosé giggled and hugged him. I looked at Jimin. It looks like he is digging holes on bambam head. Ok ok ok, Very much possessive.

"Enough!!!!" Jimin shouted. Why the hell is he shouting!?! Rosé released the hug and looked at him.

"What enough hyung?" Taehyung asked with a confused look. Jimin smiled and looked at us.

"Enough! chit chat the dance competition is starting in 2 hours and we have to dance good. I was trying to say this." He said and smiled. Little did I know he is lying.

"Oh, yes the competition. Bambam who will you dance with?" I asked him.

"Umm, maybe with you?" He said. I nodded.

"Hey! I am your partner you can't change it! Bambam you can be partner with someone else." He said through his teeth and as much as he can be sweet.

"Oh okay and btw my friend is here I will be partner with her." He said and dialed the number.

"Hey, where are you? Come to the drink area. Will be my partner in dance? Oh! Great okay come." He smiled and ended the call.

"What happened is she coming?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"Yes, who is she?" Jennie unnie asked.

"Just wait and watch." He said and chuckled. Jennie and Jisoo unnie rolled their eyes. After sometime a beautiful girl arrived.

"Hi, everyone my name is Sana. Nice to meet you." She said and bowed.

"Oh! Okay now let's select our song and dance." Jin seonbae announced and everyone left with their partners. Me and Jungkook is now here only.

"So, what song we should dance?" I asked and opened my phone in search of good song. Jungkook came near to me. Very much near. I could feel his breath brushing on my skin. I tried not blush and I succeed.

"Which song are we going to dance?" Jungkook asked in husky voice or I am just thinking like that!

"Mmm, I am trying to find a good song and I will!" I said confidently. He chuckled. Again what is funny!?!

"What is so funny?" I asked irritated.

"I bet you will find sweet and girl crush songs." He said and smirked. I glared at him and didn't say anything. Because he is right, I am finding that type of song. He rolled his eyes and snatched away my phone from my hands.

"HEY! What are you doing?!? Give my phone back!!" I shouted and tried to take my phone away from him. But I couldn't.

"I am searching for a good song and dance." He said and continued to search for a song.

"But you can search it in your phone!" I said irritated.

"If I will search in my phone you will again search for a girly and sweet song. So I will choose I don't like to lose anything." He said and licked his lips.

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