A Wealthy Man (Sex)

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I try to get the phone number for Miss Steele but it has been changed. I have Debbie try to find out what her credit card company has on her number wise. It looks like she's trying to hide out. Her last known address was in London and the number is a London number. They tell us the card is good and they can't give us her new number or address because she doesn't want anyone having it except them. They don't want sued and she's sued them before and won. The manager comes on the phone and tells me that they have approved the the purchase and there are no reasons to give me any information at all.

I arrive at Esclava and am greeted by Elena and I am asked where Mia and her group are and I tell her they ended their friendship with me after I tried to get the royalties from another author at a book signing. I failed. She isn't really listening to me as much as looking through her booms. There is no doubt she is stealing from her silent partners. She stopped listening to me at all. So I just get my phone out and I play in it until they get me back to get my stuff done. Elena hands me a phone and they are looking for a date tonight. She reminds me that if I don't comply with their demands she will know about it. I listen to the instructions and I write them down. After I get things done I go get dressed according to their instructions and I wait for someone to pick me up and I am blindfolded. I am driven to an unknown location and then taken into a room where I hear strange music playing. I am undressed completely and I cannot see anything at all. I am told that I am to give oral sex and swallow it all. I feel him push his member against my mouth and tell me to start. His voice is strange. Soon I am done and he pulls me up and I am hanging up and I hear him moving around and he says this is going to hurt. I hear something and my legs are stretched open wide and I hear wheels and I feel him enter me all while my legs are wide and straight open I can move them at all. He just keeps pounding into me and I am screaming in agony at being held wide open like that. Soon he comes inside me. But I feel something enter me anally. I feel ripped apart and he is enjoying every scream I make. I am finally allowed to close my leg. I'm still hanging though I feel multiple males around me and I hear the guys voice and he tells me that he wants to see me being with the other men. Each one of them are doing something different and soon my breasts are being pulled and metal is clamping down and then metal is clamping on my private parts. Different things from different men and I need to block out the pain. I am finally taken to my home and the driver has carried me into my apartment and he treats me medically and washes me thoroughly and suggests I get some treatment for STDs and possibly AIDS. He gives me a doctors number to go to to keep it off the radar. He hands me ten grand and leaves me on the bed. I hate Elena now big time.

I definitely got paid well enough for Gia and that taught her to do things like causing problems with Mia Grey. That is why I did that to her. I lost my chance at her and her brothers. I am sure they won't be willing to do anything that Gia wants them to do any longer. The guy I sent her to pays very nicely for a body like Gia has. Too bad it's a one time deal. He was in town for a short while and Gia was available and had caused issues for me. I only have a burner phone for him. It was delivered by a courier so I have no idea who he is or where he is at. I just know he returns the girls and leaves them a lot of money for the girls and a lot of money for me as well. I don't try to find out who he is and he is generous to me for finding someone for his night if fun. After his night they never want to go back again. Gia has stopped answering her phone calls and she hasn't been to work.

I stopped answering Elena's calls and I went to the doctors office the guy told me to go to. He tested me for everything and told me to contact him in a week. I had work tell everyone that tried to get hold of me I called in sick. I am still sore from that night and I have had to use cream and a lot of it. Elena screwed me over because of Mia Grey. She might find out that I know more about her and her side business than she thinks I do. She will pay for her treachery against me. I have already informed a few friends of mine about her and they are very interested in her and her business transactions. So I give them a few things to start with.

David Howard
I listen to Gia and record everything she tells me. We have been trying to find out if Elena Lincoln is behind a few things going on in cash exchanges for sexual acts. Gia has told us she has information about her and her relationship to human trafficking. We will be giving Gia a deal if she can give us information that leads to major arrests.

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