A Complainer

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I am listening to the various women chatting just in case I hear something of value to use. Miss Underwood has been bragging about her marrying Christian Grey, apparently none of it is true. I just shake my until she mentions that Mia Grey has a new friend who assaulted her in Christian's office and they kicked her out rather than the person who assaulted her. She's trying to find out who this friend is. I ask her to describe the person and it sounds like the person who came in and refused to be introduced to wealthy men, no wonder she didn't need to meet a wealthy man she already had one in mind. I look at the name Anastasia Steele. I still can't get any information on her. Gia is going to wish she hadn't ignored my calls. I don't like being ignored and I am losing money because of it. The guy wants her permanently and is willing to pay for her. I have not told him anything about her and the place she was picked up is not her residence. I never allow their residences get discovered or their real names.

I can't stand Elena and she knows why. She deliberately damaged my hair so I had to have a wig for a month. She had to pay for that. We didn't get much from her insurance. I make sure she doesn't work on my hair any longer. I see her whispering to one of her clients and the girl looks afraid of her. I think I saw tears. I keep watching while I'm getting the works and there is something going on in her salon. She has several young women come in and they are getting the works, don't pay and she gives them slip of paper or a phone. There were a few that came in and left in tears and had nothing done. Hm something odd and I am thinking she's a madam of sorts. There are rumors that she kill3d her husband Richard. No one has seen him since they had a major fight at the Coping Together Gala. They weren't invited after that. That's the same time that his side piece disappeared and her family suspected him of killing her, he was cleared of it. They then started looking at Elena. I wonder what happened to the case. I finally get my things finished and pay the cashier and leave.

Thomas Sawyer
I notice my target is done, but something strange has been going on at Esclava. I tell Jason Taylor and he decides to put a few coverts here and send someone undercover. I follow miss Underwood and she is sitting across from GEH and she is definitely a problem. Just then Mia Grey exits walking with a friend of hers, one that I have never seen before. They get into Mia's car the security is driving, but they have a team following them as well. I then see my target start following them at a high rate of speed and I catch up to them. I then notice that someone is following me. This is like a parade. I tell Jason that I have a tail.

I call in the troops and find out who is following Sawyer . I soon hear that the guy won't answer questions. At least he can't continue following Sawyer now. They have identified the guy that was following Sawyer and have told him to stop following him or anyone else. We soon have a tail on him. He leads them to the Lincoln home. He comes out injured and has to be driven to the hospital. He won't give up his assailants. Our guy told the police everything he knew and they questioned mrs Lincoln. What we didn't know at that time is that she was being investigated by the police and it was bumped to the FBI because they suspected her of human trafficking and a lot more. A friend gave me a heads up. I then got contacted by a friend of Ray Steele and he told me he has eyes on Colleen Underwood, Mia Grey and Mrs Lincoln. I know this guy and he won't take any hostages. I tell him Mia Grey isn't a threat and he tells me she might not be, but the people following her are.
He has it under control now, but mrs Lincoln has too many eyes on her and now Anastasia and Colleen underwood. Now I know Mrs Lincoln is dangerous.

I was questioned by the FBI and I asked for an attorney to be present. I could get into trouble and go to jail. The government wants me to testify against mrs Lincoln. I have the choice of that or facing jail time. You end up missing if you cross Elena. They offer me witness protection for my help. I have no choice they have an iron clad case against me. I have no choice. They have me coached and and I am wearing a wire to go see what Elena was calling about. I see the burner phone and I don't like where this is going but I follow through on it. Soon I am picked up by the same driver at the same spot. I am followed by the FBI and I have been nervous because I know I will be found out. Soon I am inside the same place that we were at before, I recognize the smells and my senses are very acute with the blindfold on. Soon I am caged and I am being taken somewhere else. I hear your now mine and you will behave or die, it's your choice. You were sold to me for a very good amount of money, you better be worth every penny. Suddenly everything gets loud shots are fired and I am removed from the cage and my blindfold is taken off. I can't believe who I am looking at and he's in handcuffs.

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