Short story 1

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It was the year of our Lord, 1348, and the Black Death had come to our village. People were dying left and right, and fear had gripped our community. I was a simple farmer, struggling to survive in these troubled times. But amidst all this chaos, I found love.

Her name was Isabella. She was the daughter of the local apothecary, and she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had long, flowing black hair, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. I had known her since we were children, but it wasn't until the plague came that I realized how much I loved her.

Every day, I would go to her father's shop to check on her. She was always there, grinding herbs and mixing potions to help those who were sick. We would talk for hours, and I found solace in her company. For a brief moment, I could forget about the horrors of the outside world.

But one day, Isabella fell ill. At first, I thought she had caught the plague, and my heart sank. But her father assured me that it was just a fever, and he would care for her. I wanted to help, but there was little I could do.

Days turned into weeks, and Isabella's condition worsened. I spent every moment I could by her side, praying for her recovery. One night, as I sat beside her, she woke up and looked at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Promise me," she whispered. "Promise me that you'll keep fighting, no matter what happens."

"I promise," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

Isabella passed away the next day. I was devastated, but I knew I had to keep my promise to her. I continued to fight, but now I fought for her memory. I helped those who were sick, just as she had done, and I did it in her honor.

Years passed, and the plague eventually subsided. Life returned to some semblance of normalcy, but it would never be the same. But even in the darkest of times, I learned that love can prevail. Isabella may have been taken from me, but her memory lived on, and it gave me the strength to keep fighting.

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