Preview - Therondia

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Loud noises of heeled boots echoed in the grand quiet hallway. The guards standing on the sides bowed almost halfway down to show respect to the man walking in front of them. The man walked in utter confidence, chin held high, chest buffed up as he took long and strong strides towards the royal hall.

Chiseled body clad in a well fitted dark blue suit, his arms flexed visibly over the suit as he touched his neatly gelled hair with his large hand. Several rings shone on his fingers, made of gold and expensive metals. The light cape thrown over his shoulders swiped against the shiny floor behind him. A gold buckle held together the two ends of the cape, resting against his upper chest in the form of a three-headed wolf with red crimson rubies as its eyes.

The emblem of Therondia.

The man finally reached the end of the hallway, facing a big oak door, with astonishing cravings on it. Taking a deep breath, he gestured to the guards to open the door for him.

The grand doors opened as bright light from inside shone over the man's face. He looked down and closed his eyes for a moment before raising his head again and entering with his eyes trained on the throne where King of Therondia sat, along with his Queen.

Setting himself on one knee, the man bowed in front of the King and Queen, "Greetings, jeonha, daebi-mama."

"You may stand." The order was clear and loud for the man as he stood up and looked up at two sitting on the thrown, dreading what was to come next, but his face remained blank.

"How did your search go this time?" His Jeonha questioned.

"Judging from his empty side, he failed yet again, didn't you?" The Queen was quick to make a snide comment, irritation clear on her face. The king waited for the man to speak up even if he agreed with his queen. They knew already, anyway. That the mission had failed just like all the other times it did in the past, but the man in front of them was very stubborn, and he knew that very well.

The queen wasn't the prince's mother but one of his fathers concubines who was chosen to be the queen after the first one passed away due to an epidemic which had spread in their kingdom when Jungkook was a young as three.

His abeoji, the king, was famous to have one of the most influential harems. He had quite exquisite taste. The majority of his consorts belonged to influential families of nobels or even princesses of different kingdoms. Even a few of his concubines were from families of rich merchants. He never touched a single commoner, and when he was proud, it disgusted the Jeongguk to bits.

"Yes I did. I failed again, but I'd like you to know that this failure can not stop me, just like my previous failures could not." The man didn't even blink once, his eyes trained strictly on the queen to let her know he was not going to back off just because of some little failures. He was not just talk and no action, after all.

"Oh, quit with it, you, stubborn young man. Time doesn't wait for anyone, and it certainly will not for you as well. How much more time do you need? It's been years now, and not even once did you come back with any progress or change in your attitude." The queen stood up from her throne to show her anger, but the man standing in front of them was not fazed. He has seen a lot of this already.

"I'm not alone in fighting against the time. Five men from my troop came back with success this time. Mine is surely not too far now. I'd like some more time, a year perhaps, yes that'll suffice." The man nodded to himself, a new plan already forming, new places popping up in his head, where he would go this time, and he was quite sure he'll succe-

"Oh, stop it now for Moon Goddesses' sake, will you? That's what you say every single time you come back! A year more, a year more! It's been half a decade now, don't you get it? They're nowhere! There is no place left anymore in any kingdom, and you know that very well, so stop it now and say yes to our proposal. No more time will be wasted now. Your mission ends today!"

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