Chapter 1 (ゝω・'★)

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"Daddy! I'm ready for school!" Kelly shouted as she grabbed Kenny's leg, Kenny chuckled.

"Okay, Okay. Get your shoes on." Kenny said, Kelly giggled as she dashed towards the door to grab her shoes.

"Hurry up Dad!" Kelly shouted with a cheeky grin, Kenny just chuckled as he made his way to the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Kenny said as he put his own shoes on, Kelly just eager and excited.

"Will I be able to come see you for break and lunch?" Kelly asked, Kenny shook his head.

"Not today sadly, Daddy has some old friends that want to speak eith him that he hasn't seen for a good 3 years. Maybe tomorrow we can if that's alright Kelly. Yoy will have to start making some friends." Kenny said as he grabbed his coat and the two walked out the door.

"But why? They night just laugh at me...." Kelly said.

"I know but some friends last through all ages you go through. Like me and your uncle Stan and Kyle, we were friends since the beginning of grade school and look at us now." Kenny said, Kelly just looked up with lit up anime eyes.

"Really?" Kelly asked, Kenny nodded.

"Yep. Their isn't anything to be ashamed of Kelly. I promise." Kenny said, Kelly just did another one of her cheeky grins as the two kept walking.


"Just a dosh of this- No.... No that won't work" Butters stuttered as he kept trying to miz chemical together, trying to get the perfect reaction he needed.

"Need any help boss." Dpugie asked via a facetime caht, Butters shook his head.

"No... I don't need help at the moment. What I NEED is this to work somehow. Mysterion has now vanished without a trace and the town is back to normal. Not even the other weirdos he hired have been seen eaither." Butters said, adding a dash of two chemicals in one.

"This is useless!!" He shouted as he pushed everything off of the table, majority hitting and smashing as it hit the ground.

"Boss calm down! We can achieve our goal, maybe their is a history to the pendants? You might wanna try and discover that." Dougie suggested, Butters scoffed bit agreed.

"Their should possibly be a book about it, if so... I need to find it." Butters said.

"So what's the plan?" Dougue asked.

"Let's just say South Park is going to be kinda glad I'll be returning... Goodbye Hawaii, Hello South Park." Butters said, Dougie nodded.

"I will get your room set for you." Dougie said, Butters thanked him before Dougie ended the call.

"Alongside that, it'll be high time to discover where Mysterion had vanished off to. I promised I would try and win his heart, even if it means hurting the ones he truly loves." Butters said before looking at a poster of Mysterion on the wall.

"I promise you, one day I shall have achieved my goal and you heart will be mine one way or another."


"It's a shame we couldn't meet up today dude." Kyle said through the phone, Kenny just chuckled in response.

"Yeah it is a shame but hey, Stan can't help being sick and Wendy needs to learn to give up and move on. She lost what she originally had and now she can't ever get it back. It's been a good 7 years of you two daring, ya think she would have moved on." Kenny said.

"Yeah, I highly doubt she would move on. Anything from Cartman?"

"Nope, haven't really heard from him ever since his arm got amputated off. That what he gets for supergluing someone to your arm, what went through his mind when he thought that would be clever?" Kenny questioned, Kyle just laughed in response.

"Yeah, Look I'm gonna hang up and just make sure Stan is alright. Call some time in the week?"

"Definitely." Kenny said before the two said their goodbyes and hung yo the phone.

'..... This is normal right?... Why is it this quiet? Has Chaos actually gave up? No, he couldn't have just stopped. Their has to be a reason, anything-'

".... Dad! Their is a stranger at the door!" Kelly shouted, kicking Kenny out of his own thoughts.

"What's going on sweety?" Kenny said as he got up from the kitchen seat and made his way towards the main door, seeing a person within a Cloak.

"Kelly, go and play. The person is probably lost." Kenny said, Kelly nodded and dashed in to play.

"May I help you?" Kenny asked, curious on who they were.

"Yes you very much may, Mysterion.." The stranger replied with, leaving Kenny stunned.


"I know who you are. I know what you have done. Your suspicions are correct Chaos hasn't stopped and is planning something more sinister then we both can imagine." The stranger said, Kenny offered to let them come inside and the stranger agreed.

"Who are you may I ask?" Kenny asked.

"To you, my name is the conductor. I know what you were truly brought to thus world to do, prince of darkness." The conductor explained.


"You see, this is quite a long story about where you originally came from and to why your an immortal. Even though you have not died I'm the past years, you can never die."

"Explain..." Kenny said and thus, The conductor explained everything...

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