Chapter 2 ( ;`Д')

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"And that's the whole story of Zarnoth." The conductor explained, Kenny remained shocked while Kelly was interested.

"That's a good story. But where the unicorns and rainbows in it? Every story has to have them." Kelly asked, The Conductor remained shocked at her question.

"Well.... thats a very different story." The conductor explained.

"Kelly, can you head upstairs for a few minutes? Me and this gentleman have to talk." Kenny asked of his daughter, to which she agreed and made her way upstairs.

"How do you know all of this? How did you know I was-"

"I know many things, a lot of things that others don't know. You can call me a spectator if you must." The conductor explained.

"The most important thing in this is that Chaos has a plan, one that will most likely end with destruction and dismay." The conductor added.

"So what do I do?" Kenny asked.

"Only you can answer that."

"Wait... if you know that I'm... then you could possibly know who Chaos is? Right?" Kenny asked.

"I might know, I may not. However, that's something that isn't revealed yet and could possibly never be if you only ever ask and not find answers for yourself." The conductor explained, Kenny just sighed.

"Some answers such as that are meant to be discovered on their own, not given to you by another. I can only give you so much but not everything I can happily just tell, that goes against my belief and Zarnoth itself." The conductor added.

"So... The answers I will get is to go to Zarnoth? Will that place give me the answers?" Kenny asked.

"Have you not been there before?"


"But how did you get that book that showed every part of the pendants? That book was on Zarnoth for years and it was still there but vanished before I left what remained." The conductor explained.

"I don't know then, I remember finding one of the pendants and just.... Blacked out, waking up with the book beside me." Kenny explained to the conductor, the conductor just nodded.

"I'm guessing the dark powers of it were a bit too much for you to handle first time. How old were you when you found it?"

"Well let's see.... Wow, its been years now.... At the end of fourth grade? Beginning of fifth grade? Between that time" Kenny explained.

"Understandable." The conductor said.

"Dad! Someone is on the phone for you!" Kelly shouted down.

"I left my phone in her room...." Kenny stuttered.

"Who is it Kelly?" Kenny shouted up.

"Someone named Fat-"

"Okay! One second, I'm coming up!" Kenny quickly said, dashing up before Kelly could finish her sentence.

Kenny thanked her before answering the phone.


"Dude! Did you hear the news?!"

"What new Cartman?"


Butters looked at the surroundings from his window view, nothing but peace and quiet.

"I hate how peaceful it is...." He stuttered as he kept watching, hoping some Chaos of trouble will come.

However, not a single bit happened at all.

It was quiet.

To quiet.

A quiet that Butters hated and despised.

"I swear their won't be anymore peace when I get back home." Butters stuttered again.

"Mr Stotch sir?" He heard, looking away from the window to see one of the flight attendants.

"We will be landing soon, you should get ready." The flight attendant said, Butters thanked them with a cheery smile before they left.

"God.... Soon enough, this will be permanently over." He said under his breath.

"But first, I have to work and sort out my plan. Once that I can begin my plan." He stuttered, watching out the window once again.


"Wendy you are crazy!! Why not just leave him alone?!? Stan is happily married and has been for a good 7 years!" Bebe tries to reason with Wendy but yet she refused.

"He loves me... I know it.... He doesn't love Kyle...." Wendy kept saying over and over again, Bebe kept trying to reason with her.

Bebe tried even saying their is other boys out there she can date but she refused, she only ever wanted Stan and him alone.

"If you go down this path, consider our friendship over!" Bebe shouted, Grabbing Wendy's attention.

"What?...." Wendy said I'm disbelief, bebe just glared at her.

"You heard me, go down this and become nothing more but a freak and our friendship is over. I will tell them everything!" Bebe said, Wendy only glared at her.

"You would betray me?...." Wendy asked.

Bebe nodded in reply.

"Continue and we're done. I've been by your side, trying to help you move on and leave him alone. But NO! You have to have your own way everytime. I say to myself she will change she's just going through a phase. No, your just insane!" Bebe shouted as she explained.

Wendy just still looked in disbelief.

Wendy just remained silent.

"Well? Are you willing to change?" Bebe asked, hoping Wendy would see her ways are wrong.

All Wendy did was just remained silent. Not a single word escaped her mouth.

Bebe just took that as her answer and left, leaving Wendy to still look in disbelief as her only remaining friend had just left her...


"And today we start with our good morning south park news! It's been officially 6 years since our town was saved by some mysterious super heros whi battled alongside Mysterion and stopped Chaos' plan for good. On 10 of August we celebrate their heroism and what they have done for us.-" A news reporter said, Kenny was just watching the news in the early hours of the morning.

"Is this normal?" The contract asked, Kenny nodded.

"I've struggled to sleep ever since Chaos vanished, always thinking he's up to something bad." Kenny explained, the conductor only nodded.

"That would make sense and-"

"Breaking news, a killer that happened over 6 years ago might have parole due to their good behaviour."

Kenny quickly asked the conductor to be quiet as he listened close to this.

"Stuart McCormick, who murdered his own wife and son, could be facing possible parole due to their good behaviour. However, for the time being people might see him walking around as a just incase he is released into society once again." The reporter explained, Kenny just looked in disbelief before hearing a knock at the door.

Kenny stood up and went to the door, opening it to only face the monster that destroyed his own family.

"Hello son."

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