Chapter 4 (゜ロ゜)

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"You must go to Zarnoth and discover the truth to why its now destroyed." The conductor explained.

"W-what? Why me?- who will take care of Kelly?- Who-" Kenny said before feeling something on his shoulder, turning his head to see Kyle and Stan standing behind him.

"Just go dude, their night be a solution there that could finish Chaos off for good hidden there." Kyle said, Kenny sighed before nodding.

"Alright. Fine, I'll do it. How do I get there?" Kenny asked before something clicked in his head.

"Wait- how did you guys get in here?!?" Kenny asked, Kyle just chuckled.

"You forgot to lock your door dude." Kyle responded before hearing a knock at the door.

Kenny offered to go answer it, opening the door to see Bebe.

"Hey Kenny. Is Stan here?" Bebe asked, Kenny just nodded.

"He is, why?" Kenny asked.

"Just give him this warning, Wendy is just CRAZY. She won't stop until Stan redates her. My theory, she a homophob." Bebe said, Kenny nodded.

"Just send her to a mental hospital if anything. They'll keep her until she realised she can't have her cake and eat it at the same time." Kenny suggested.

"I've tried but she plays a good act to prevent staying and then she is back at it. I swear to god-"

"Then simply end your friendship with her. If she knows she has no one supporting her she may stop." Kenny said.

"I said that and she only remained silent." Bebe replied with.

"Then just say its over permanently and keep to your word, if she discovers that then she would realise she has to stop." Kenny encouraged, Bebe sighed and nodded.

She thanked him before leaving, Kenny shut the door before turning back at the Conductor and the others.

Kenny sighed.

"I'll do it, if it means I'm atleast figuring this thing out." Kenny said, the conductor nodded to his response.

Kenny quickly excuses himself and he made his way up to his room, the conductor taking a very small book out of his Cloak.

Within a matter of minutes, Kenny came back down holding the pendant which he never thought he would wear again.

"Ready?" The conductor asked, Kenny nodded.

Kenny looked at his friends, both Kyle and Stan nodded.

Within a matter of second and before any of them three said a word, the conductor spoke in a odd language and thus sparks of a bright light began forming around Kenny.

Kenny just kept looking at them before within seconds he simply vanished.

The conductor closed the book, the bright light faded and the grown ups say what they let allowed to be seen.

Kelly sat there with her mouth wide open.

She carefully walked up to the conductor and asked a simple question.

"Are you secretly a pony princess?" Kelly asked, The Conductor remained confused by this.


The bright lights almost blinded Kenny but he kept calm and mostly shut his eyes to try and prevent being blinded anymore.

It only took a few more seconds before he was able to open them to only see nothing but rubble and dismay.

"So this is?.... Zarnoth?..." Kenny stuttered to himself, looking around his his surroundings.

Kenny kept his fists tight as he walked around, prepared to see if anyone was here and already set to fight.

"A truth has been hidden, but where?-"

"Mysterion!" Kenny heard someone shout out with glee, confusing him to look down and see he is already as mysterion.

But he kept looking around to only come eyes with a certain old foe...

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