3: Blown Away

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"I'm done. That girl is a fucking psychopath and I don't want her anywhere near me,"

I told my best friend as she sat on my bed in front of me. I was pacing the floor like a caged animal.

I felt bad about scaring Lucy with the fire, but it wasn't my fault. Things like that just happened when I got worked up. And who was she, anyway, to get me to that point?

"She sounds like it. What are you gonna do? She said she knows who you are," Danna said, concerned. I bit my lip in annoyance.

"Yeah, don't know how I'm going to get around that one. And if I tell, I know she'll be even angrier," I mused, finally sitting at my desk.

"What was in that paper, anyway? Was it  . . . ?" Danna tapered off, her eyes getting bigger behind her glasses.

I nodded.

"Shit," she mumbled, taking a sip of her beer. It was Friday night, but I was too wound up to have any fun. This whole situation wouldn't leave my mind.

"Want me to beat her ass?" Danna offered, and for the first time tonight, I burst out laughing.

"No, that won't be necessary," I said, still cracking up. Danna joined me.

"I really am worried about you," Danna said after our laughter died down. I faced her, and her eyes were searching my expression for some kind of read. I remained neutral, however. I didn't want her to see the chaos that really ensued in my soul.

"Don't be," I reassured, although I was lying out of my ass. She had every reason to worry about me.

"I can't help it. What would I do without my best friend?" Danna asked, sounding small despite her larger-than-life personality. I tilted my head at her.

"What are you implying? That she's gonna kill me? That's ridiculous, Danna. I don't want you thinking that," I tried my hardest to alleviate her worries, but once she got into it, she could be a real worrywart.

"No, not that. There are worse things. Like getting kicked off of campus? You're hanging on by the skin of your teeth ever since it hap-"

"Look," I interrupted Danna, despite how angry getting interrupted made me. "I'm not getting kicked off of campus, and we're not having this discussion right now. We've done it to death." I put my hand on my forehead as if I was checking for a fever.

"I didn't mean to make you mad, Lorelei. I'm sorry. We won't talk about it," Danna replied, subdued. She finished her beer and went to the fridge for another.

"Want one?" she asked me as she popped the cap with a bottle opener. I waited a beat before saying,



"How do you feel about the tutoring?"

Professor Daniels had pulled me aside after class again to discuss his student in need. He was always very conscientious of others, and he tried any way he could to help. He knew biology wasn't exactly easy, especially at a college level. He was my favorite professor for that reason.

But the only thing he dropped the ball on was putting that bitch in my life.

I didn't blame him for it. He couldn't possibly have known how insidious she was. I wished I could tell him everything, but I didn't want last semester to come flooding back.

Danna was right, as much as I didn't want her to be.

"I'm sorry, Professor Daniels, but I went over my schedule and it seems I don't have enough time for it," I lied, hoping he wouldn't catch on. He frowned.

"That's funny, because Lucy came up to me last Friday and said how much she enjoyed your teaching. She said she can't wait for the next session," he revealed, and I swallowed, feeling something catch in my throat.

"She probably didn't relay the message correctly. We did have one session. I just thought it through again and decided I won't be able to. I'm sorry to let you down, professor," I looked at my shoes, not wanting to meet his disappointed expression.

"No worries, Lorelei. You couldn't possibly let me down. You're my best student," Professor Daniels assured me, but I didn't believe it anymore. Like Danna said, I was practically flying by the seat of my pants. "See you Wednesday for lab?"

"Yes, see you Wednesday," I said before taking my leave.

As I was walking out, my mind wouldn't stop catastrophizing. Danna planted a seed in my head that I couldn't get rid of. Would I really be dismissed from the only college I ever wanted to go to? I wouldn't be able to stand that. Matter of fact, my mom wouldn't be able to stand that. I'm busting my ass to keep this scholarship, and the dean even said I was fine, that I wouldn't have to leave, that it was all an accident.

Then why didn't it feel like it?


That voice was too familiar. I whipped my head to the side to see Lucy trying to apprehend me outside of the science building.

My fight or flight instantly kicked in, and before I even knew it or knew how it happened, Lucy was on the ground several feet in front of me with a bloody lip.

I hadn't even touched her.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! You- ugh! You can't scare me like that!"

"How did you do that?" Lucy marveled, dabbing at her busted lip and then looking at the blood on her fingertips. I went over to help her up. I felt horrid about the whole situation, and I absolutely hated when things like this happened.

"I don't know, but you can't tell anyone, you hear me? I'm ruined if you do," I tried to convince her not to speak about this, but I didn't have to do much convincing, because she didn't seem that eager to snitch.

"I won't. I promise," she answered. I offered her a hand and she accepted it, getting to her feet slowly, looking stunned. "I actually really need your help. I didn't tell you the stakes, but if I fail my bio midterm, I'm gonna be put on academic probation. I can't have that on my record or my dad will kill me. Please, Lorelei. Forgive me."

She sounded desperate, but what if it was all an act? I couldn't trust her. On the other hand, I'd nearly killed her. And I did in fact owe her because of that.


"It's going to take more than that," I bartered. She crossed her arms and said,

"Alright. What if I told you I lied? I wouldn't be on probation. I would be on academic dismissal."

That word rang out like a death knoll. My palms grew sweaty as I glared straight ahead at Lucy. She was wearing a short red leather skirt and a black tank, with the same chains around her neck as Friday, and I felt even worse. What if I'd scratched the leather by knocking her down?

"Fine!" I said, irritated that she had won. "I'll tutor you. Jesus."

Lucy smiled a radiant smile that had no effect on me whatsoever. And then she stuck out a manicured hand.

Reluctantly, and feeling like I was selling my soul, I shook it.

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