New girl

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The police had been making rounds back and forth for a whole week but nothing came out, no clue, no evidence, nothing. Even the footage showed that no one had pushed her even Keisuke had not done anything that could make the girl want to jump off. Eventually, it was declared that the case had no relation to the murder and was said to be a normal case of suicide.

"Class, a new student will be joining us for the session please welcome her" The teacher extended his hand towards the door a girl walked right through. She had hair as black as a raven and eyes as sharp as a fox and her skin was pale, quite pale for an ordinary person, and her lips a light shade of pink. She looked like one of those cover girls on the magazine but her demeanor was of a mourning person. 

She had her head down and her eyes were fixated on the floor.

"Kiyoko Mitsubishi" She spoke and slowly raised her head but her eyes were still fixated on the floor. 

"Please take care of the new kid and help her with anything she wants to know" Kiyoko looked up, her eyes searched through the room looking for someone but when her eyes met with that certain someone he was already looking at her. It was Keisuke. 

He felt goosebumps down his spine when his eyes locked with Kiyoko's. There she was standing in front staring right into his eyes without staring. The tension in the room could have been but by a knife and it was making it hard for Keisuke to breathe. Something about her made him want to stare at her and not look away, something about her got him into a trance where he wasn't able to look away even if he wanted to.

Kiyoko looked away from the boy and headed towards an empty seat in the middle which formerly belonged to the deceased girl. She placed her bag on the table and pulled out the chair before sitting down. She was the center of the spotlight right now, a new girl sitting on the seat of dead, crazy no? 

"You know someone who died used to sit there, " A guy seated beside Kiyoko said and she looked at him and said nothing before turning her head back and focusing on the teacher.

"Dead is dead, dead won't come to life to claim the seat, right?" Nobody spoke. It wasn't like she was wrong, nobody could even argue with her because they knew it was true. She had nothing to do with the death of their classmate and she had every right to sit on that seat. It wasn't like it was cursed. And even if it was cursed, she was the one sitting not them.

Keisuke stared at the back of her head with an uneasy feeling in his heart. He could feel his heart rate increase and his stomach turning upside down just by looking at her, something about her made him want to not engage with her at all. How could one have such an unpleasant aura to them? His brows furrowed in confusion, not knowing why he found himself boring holes into the back of her head.

Kiyoko turned her head around and caught Keisuke staring at her but none of them looked away. Both of them maintained eye contact, then she smiled. Kiesuke's face turned into disgust when he saw her smile, it wasn't a smile of a human. It lacked the solidity of a human or the blood of a human, the emotions when you smile were absent and all he could see was a bunch of wrinkles with no emotion whatsoever and yet she looked so pretty, it was almost baffling as to how can a person look so good with such an emotionless smile.

He abruptly turned his head away not wanting to stare into those lifeless eyes again. By just looking into her eyes he could feel himself getting sucked in those black holes. The urge to look at her again was strong but the creepy aura around her was stronger and yet he turned his head slightly to catch a glimpse of her still staring at him. His heart sank and he closed his eyes not knowing how to avoid her gaze. It was uncomfortable to just be in the same room as her without feeling the need to puke his insides out.

Not knowing how to deal with this feeling Keisuke stood up and walked out of the class with everyone staring at the now-open door.

"Please close the door and focus" The teacher spoke and a student closed the door.

Keisuke paced towards the end of the hallways making his way to the under-construction part of the school where no soul was allowed. He found that spot to be extremely calming as there no one would be around him and he could just be there for as long as he wanted. For him, this place was like a chamber of reflection for all kinds of thoughts he had. 

He stood by the window and leaned both of his arms on the frame of the window, looking ahead all he could see were the mountains. It was a good thing that he chose a school away from the city. Cities were too loud for him, he preferred peace. The village side was peaceful, with no loud noises, friendly people, and calming nature and yet he couldn't find a house there. Leaving no other option than to live in the city and come to school in the village.

Suddenly his eyes caught a glimpse of a silhouette walking towards the entrance of the school. He squinted his eyes to try to get a better look at who it was but to his horror, the person walking had no head, yes headless. Keisuke shuddered in fear not knowing who or what or why was he seeing this. The person stopped and turned in the direction of the building Keisuke was in, his arm was falling apart from his elbow and he had to support it with the help of the other hand. Raising it he waved at Keisuke.

Terrified by what he had just witnessed Keisuke crouched immediately and panted. It was petrifying. He could feel his heart racing with each passing second, he had not imagined he would see something like this today. It had been almost a week since he saw something like that, the last time he saw something was when the incident in the school happened.

"You see them too?"

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