Chapter 43

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Marina Vettle

After taking a much needed shower, I stepped out, and put on my bathing suit. I walked out of the bathroom with the sunscreen bottle in my hand. I placed it right in front of Giovanni's face. He looked up, looking at me in the eyes.

For the past few days he had been on edge, meaning he was all over the place. He was very jumpy, and he looked very nervous, but today it was on another level. During the night, he wouldn't stop moving around the bed. He was sweating all night long. And around four in the morning, I woke up, and saw that he wasn't in bed. He was sitting on the balcony's chairs, looking around, as if he was questioning his own life.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked. "You have been so stressed these past few days." I said, sitting down next to him. "Did something happen?" I asked. "Is it something related to the mafia?" I asked, feeling concerned about his health. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he immediately relaxed.

"No," he shook his head. "Nothing happened, don't worry, Tesoro." He smiled, kissing my temple.

"If you need anything, help, or just space, or whatever, you just need to ask." I said, not knowing what to do, as he hadn't told me anything. "I'm here for whatever you need, Engel." I kissed his cheek. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more." He smiled, standing up. "I'm going to get ready." He smiled, walking inside of the bathroom. "Go have some breakfast." He said, not leaving any space for discussion. I nodded, smiling.

Not wanting to have an argument with him later, I stood up, and walked down to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see what was there to eat, while the coffee started. I took out a plate which had three slices of the pizza we had last night, and put them inside of the microwave. I prepared myself my coffee, and also made some more for Giovanni.

Today was a day, which we were going to be spending alone, because my family wanted to explore the island, and his family had work to do, so it was all day long for us. He told me he wanted to show me something, but would have to wait until we were there.

When I was finishing my breakfast, Giovanni walked inside of the kitchen. "Are you feeling better?" I asked, still trying to figure out what was happening to him.

"Much better." He nodded, kissing the top of my head. I handed him his coffee, and he sat down next to me after he prepared his breakfast. "So, I said that whatever we were doing you would see, but I have to warn you that you have to wear light clothes, and don't change the bikini." He said.

"Are you going to tell me?" I asked, knowing it's impossible to get things out of him.

"Nope, but we need to get ready before it gets too hot to start the day." He said, cleaning both of our plates. We walked in the room. We washed our teeth. "Here, give it to me." Giovanni smiled, grabbing the sunscreen from my hand. He massaged my back, and the back of my legs. When he was done, I stood up on the bed, and did the same to him, trying to ease his tense back, but for the most part it didn't work. "Ok, let's go." He said, grabbing the bag I had prepared.

We walked outside of the house, and as I was turning to walk into the beach gate, he pulled me by my hand, and continued walking. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I thought we were going to the beach." I frowned, as we started walking through a pavement path.

"We are." He nodded. "Well more or less." He said, as he stopped in front of some stairs. He grabbed my hand and pulled me. "Come on. We are almost there." He said, as we finished the stairs. I looked around and saw we were in a dock, full of luxurious yachts, and boats. "Come on." He chuckled, as he saw me looking around.

He stopped right in front of a beautiful white yacht that had the details in black. It had three floors. He extended his hand, helping me jump over the gap between the yacht and the dock.

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