Chapter 8: Riding The Waves

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Milky let out a long, frustrated sigh. "That Uranus girl was an absolute jerk!" She said to herself, before sniggering at the sound of Uranus's name. "But still, who is Neptune?" Just as Milky thought of that, another fragment flew right past her. "Maybe I'll get the answer to my question while finding the next fragment." Milky thought. She followed the fragment to the neighbouring planet, which was a very beautiful shade of azure. "Ooh, pretty!" Milky breathed. "I do hope the person living on this planet isn't as bad as Uranus." She dived through the blue planet's atmosphere, only to find something surprising. There was no solid ground below, nothing but a seemingly endless ocean. "I suppose I'll have to float here, although I can see my reflection in this, though." Milky said to herself, looking at her reflection in the water. "Outta the way!" A voice called out to Milky, she looked and saw a giant wave coming straight towards her. "Uh oh!" She exclaimed. Milky sprung upwards as the wave surged forward. Riding the wave was a girl with tanned skin and teal bobbed hair. She wore a cropped, pale cyan tank top with a teal seashell print, hunter green shorts with pale cyan stripes, teal sandal skates, teal sunglasses, and in her ears were teal seashell earrings. The girl was standing on a teal surf board with bubble and seashell patterns. Milky watched as the girl rode the wave, but then, the wave crashed down on the girl, and it looked like she'd been thrown into the water. Milky shrieked in horror. "Oh my stars!!" She quickly flew down and hovered over the water to see if the girl would resurface. The girl's surfboard popped out of the water first, and then the girl herself. She climbed onto her surfboard and looked up at Milky. "Did I scare you?" She asked Milky, trying to catch her breath. "Scared me? You nearly sent me through space and time in fright!" Milky replied. "Yeah, don't worry, this always happens when I'm surfing." The girl said. "Venus said something similar to that..." Milky said to herself. "Sorry, who?" The girl asked. Milky took a deep breath and explained everything that happened in detail. 

"Woah!" The girl said, surprised. "So you freed Black Hole from her planetoid and now you're looking for each of the fragments?" She asked. "And yes, I am Neptune." Milky nodded her head. "Well, unlike Uranus, I'm absolutely willing to help you out, Milky." Neptune replied. "And I think I know what might just help." Neptune laid flat on her surfboard and started paddling away from Milky as another wave started to form. When the wave was tall enough, Neptune stood up on her surfboard and rode the wave, this time however, she glanced around her to spot the fragment and put her hand on the wave to feel around the fragment. Milky watched, hoping Neptune would find it. As the wave started to crash down, Neptune jumped off of it and into the air, doing a flip in the process. "Cowabunga!" She exclaimed. Milky oohed at the spectacle. Neptune landed on the water and back towards Milky. "No luck there." She said to Milky. "Don't really know how surfing will help find the fragment." Milky said, two fingers on her chin. "Gotta keep trying, Milky!" Neptune said, hopefully. "Hey, look! Another wave is forming, and it looks like it's gonna be bigger!" Neptune started paddling toward the forming wave which was growing in size. Once Neptune reached the wave, it was way bigger than the previous wave, and faster, too? Neptune could feel the surfboard shifting, and she looked at Milky, who was watching Neptune ride the wave. "Milky! Move!" Neptune called out. Milky sprung up higher than the wave as it neared her, Neptune started losing her balance, and as the wave crashed down it threw her and her surfboard into the water. "Neptune!" Milky exclaimed, zooming towards the sea. She hovered over the water to see Neptune resurface. Under the water, Neptune had lost her surfboard. Luckily, she was adept at swimming and diving, so she started swimming to look for both her surfboard and the fragment. Neptune had been searching for her surfboard and the fragment for a while before she found them both, entangled in a coral. "Crud! A coral! How am I supposed to get my surfboard and that thing out of it?" Neptune thought. She concluded that she must be very careful with trying to remove the surfboard and fragment from the coral. She swam towards the coral where her surfboard was. She grabbed one end of the board and gently wiggled it to get it unstuck, she continued to wiggle it out before the grip felt loose. She carefully pulled out her surfboard, placed it under her arm, and swam towards the fragment. The grip on the fragment was tighter than her surfboard, Neptune took hold of the fragment and wiggled it harder. Pulling the fragment out took a little longer than the surfboard, but luckily, Neptune was able to pull it out from the coral. She swam back up to the surface where Milky was anxiously waiting, and she inhaled sharply as she resurfaced. "Here you go." Neptune said, holding the fragment out for Milky. "Thanks, Neptune." The latter replied, placing the fragment into her bag. "Do you need any help up?" Milky asked. "Oh no," Neptune replied, hoisting herself up onto her surfboard. "I can manage on my own." "Well, Neptune, it was fun meeting you, but I must find the last few fragments." Milky said. "Okay, bye Milky!" Neptune said, waving Milky goodbye. "See ya, Neptune!" Milky replied, waving back.

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