The Draknus Legacy - Prolouge

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Personal note from the author.


My name is Dylan Rector. Writer, podcastor, Star Wars FANBOY.

One day, I got the notion to start writing a story about my Star Wars : The Old Republic legacy family, The Draknus Legacy. This sorry is purely fan-fiction, and has NOT been canonized by LucasArts as Star Wars lore. Nevertheless, I do not go outside of Star Wars lore for my stories. This story in particular, is set up as a backstory for my Star Wars : The Old Republic characters from the popular MMORPG (my main toon is Vaimos, I'm on the Jung Ma server) and as such I will write the stories to be Old Republic era, unless otherwise specified in text.

This will most likely not be formatted correctly, and I apologize for that. But I am human.

I've always loves Star Wars, and I am passionate about Star Wars lore, however, that being said, I am not perfect. I do not know every little thing about the Star Wars universe, though I do have a vast and extensive knowledge of Star Wars. If I do mess up a detail or two in my stories, PLEASE INFORM ME ASAP and spare me the trolling, I'm only human.

We begin the tale 19 years before the signing of the Coruscant Peace Treaty between the Ruthless Sith Empire, and the Republic. Tension is high between the two factions, runs and assaults against the two groups have been hit and miss throughout the galaxy. No real war has been declared yet, but only time will tell...

To my friend Phamista,

For believing in me, when all others abandoned.


Fire reigned across the sky of Ord Mantell, above the plains of a recent battle with The Republic as the Mandolorian Clan Skain defended their homeland, what little land they had left. The Republic has laid claim to their territory, and they decided to clean house. Little did they know that Clan Skain would prove so troublesome...

"Sir, another battalion of troops has been captured. However...this bunch doesn't appear to be Republic dogs." The young warrior, Klade Spran, said to his Clan Leader, Yestus Skain. The Clan Leader had his face covered, as was the custom of all elite Skain warriors, never show your face to anyone. Ever. He wore a golden helmet, with accents of midnight black. His armor was battle torn, black durosteel and golden armor scorched and smeared of blood. A scar across the right side of his helmet, exposing his naked eye. If one looked closely, you could see his deep green eyes.

Skain turned around to face Klade, "What do you mean, son?"

"Well, they don't have the usual white trooper armor. This armor set was black, and red. We assumed they were Republic, so we bagged 'em and tagged 'em, sir."

"Black and red armor..." Skain put his hand behind his helmet, scratching his armor. As if it were a second skin. As it is for all true Mandolorians.

"Maybe they're Spec Ops or many did you capture?" Klade snapped to attention after seeming to zone out

"uh, three sir. Though they didn't give me names, they have me ranks. A captain, and two sergeants."

"Ranks. So, they are military for sure..." Skain paused for a moment. Thinking over the choices he could do.

He recalled the long journey he had to claiming his right as clan leader, hearing the stories of his ancestors fighting in the Jedi Civil War, immediately after the Mandolorian War. The hard decisions they had to make..and when their clan encountered Darth Revan..

", sir..what're your orders?" Skain shook his head lightly "Apologies, Klade, I was just...nevermind. Take me to them. Now." "Yes sir." Klade said, as he escorted his leader to the newly captured troopers.

Warriors all snapped to attention and saluted their Leader as he walked down the hall, toward the detention center. "For the glory of Mandalore!" They continued to chant as he walked past with pace, eager to see his new found captives.

As Skain reached the prison block, the doors screeched open as the Mandolorian strode on into the center. He looks over at the holding cells, he sees the three individual captives in their cells. Two troopers in battle armor. Black and red, just as Klade had reported. The third was in what appeared to be officer clothing. Why would a Spec Ops agent be in officer clothing...unless..

Skain examined the officer more closely. Looking at his commendations and medals across his chest. His cybernetic implanted left eye. His devilish grin, the insignia on his shoulder..the insignia..

"You there." Skain points at the officer, "Identify yourself." The officer looked at Skain with a cold, grim look. He had no intention of talking. "Soldier, if you have any honor within yourself, you will not be a gutless coward, and identify yourself, worm!" The officer shuddered with rage at the sound of this.

"You insolent WRETCH!" Screamed the officer. "I am Officer First Class Shirah Ghust of the Imperial Intelligence Division, I've seen more destruction and agony then you could ever dream about, Mandolorian. How DARE you talk to me in that tone?!" The officer yelled as he caught his breath. Skain grunted at the end of Ghust's episode.

"My, my, my...a real Imperial Officer...interesting...or all you imps such high tension schutas?", Skain said. Klade let out a low chuckle as he stood by the cell control panel. Ghust begun to slightly pace in his cell.

"Mandolorian, I have been so kind to introduce myself, I believe it is custom for you to follow up?"

"In a second, but first some questions, why are imperial spies on Ord Mantell in the first place?" Ghust seemed to be taken aback by this question. " can't be serious?" Ghust said as he started to chuckle.

"You mean to tell me, you have no idea what is going on?" His chuckle starts to turn into a cynical laugh.

"You mean to tell me that Mandolorians have no idea about the war brewing in the galaxy?!"

"No, because we do not care about your petty conflicts. We Skain are nomadic types. Except for my group, and this settlement, assigned to protect and defend the homeland of Clan Skain. This is my home." Ghust snapped his head to look straight into Skain's eye at this.

"Your home? Yours. Specifically."

"Of course.", Said Skain, " I am Yustus Skain, leader of Clan Skain, disciple of Mandalore. This is my home. You are trespassing on-"

"I thought the gold armor was a giveaway. Excellent.", said Ghust. His eye started to turn bright red, and as it goes it lets out an electric discharge, releasing the prison cell and setting him free. While at the same time, sending an electric discharge to fry and set ablaze the computer equipment, the exploding circuits causes Klade to be knocked out, and causes Skain to turn and notice.

"Time to take down Clan Skain, FOR THE EMPIRE!" As Ghust releases his trooper companions from their cells, while storming the Mandolorians.

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