Chapter I

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Alarms beckon thought the base of Clan Skain, as Imperial Troopers start to pour into the facility.

"Seal the doors!" Clan Leader Skain said to his subordinates. As he turned around to face them, he sees that they are incapacitated.

"Damn.." He muttered under his breath.

He reaches for the intercom system on the console, to alert his Clan.

"All Elite Warriors, code ARCHON is in effect. This is NOT a drill, repeat this is-" the Mandolorian was cutoff by a swift hook to the head by Captain Ghust.

"Oh no you don't, you filthy Alien!" Ghust said as Skain fell to the ground, caught off guard by the sucker punch.

"I'm human, you pathetic slime ball!" Replied Skain as he drew the decorated Vibroblade off his back.

"I don't really care, you Mandolorians are barbaric." Barked Ghust as he drew his Vibroknives from his arm sleeves.

"You're all animals. You will be put down like the animals you are!"

"You know what, I think I enjoyed it better when it was simply The Republic we were fighting..."

Ghust darted at the Mandolorian, charging with a fury in his eyes. The warrior took a guard stance and prepared himself for the oncoming attack. He is prepared, this is what he has spent his whole life training for. He is a master duelist. War is his life.

As Skain was about to counter attack the Imperial Agent, Ghust pressed a button on his bracer, and the Imperial vanished.

"What the..? A stealth field generator..." The Mandolorian pondered as he stood at attention, checking his surroundings. As he did, a chucking noise echoed thought the detention center.

"What's wrong? The mighty warrior is scared of what he can not the Mandolorian going to cry from fear?"

"An Elite Mandolorian does not fear anything. We not only laugh at the thought of death, we welcome it. We embrace it. We choose not to hide in the shadows like cowards." Preached Skain to the prison. A low growl is heard, followed by,

"I AM NO COWARD!!" Shouted Ghust, materializing from thin air, behind Skain. Still at attention, Skain executed a perfect dodge from the Imperial's incoming Vibroknives, followed by the charging Captain, shouting with a fury. Once the captain had passed him, he side stepped the Imperial, and with one swift slice, decapitated the Captain, silencing him forever.

As the Captain's body fell to the ground, shortly followed by his head, the Mandolorian let out a low grunt, followed by a long exhale. He closed his eyes and slowly breathed in and out, savoring his short and sweet victory.

"The weak have no place amongst leaders. Cowards have no place amongst warriors." The Mandolorian said softly to the Captain's lifeless body. He bent down to pick up the Captain's head, by the black hair, as the blood dripped down the bottom of his head, where it was once connected to his torso.

"You. Didn't. Deserve. To live." He whispered to the head of his foe. After that, he tossed it at his unconscious subordinate, causing him to wake up in a startle.

"Gah! Sir, what..what happened?" Klade said to his Clan Leader.

"The Empire happened.." Skain said as he was focused on the monitoring station, as he watched his Mandolorian comrades battling Imperial Troopers flooding into the base.

"You mean they...they're with the Empire? The Sith Empire?" Klade said in shock.

"Were, son, were with the Empire. They're dead. They fell to my blade." Replied the Clan Leader.

"Well, the Captain did. The others appear to be unconscious. That idiot accidentally overcharged the other two cells, causing them to fry. Honestly, they may be dead, but I don't care."

"I see.." Said Klade.

"Sir, what should I do with them?"

The Clan Leader turned away from the monitor, facing the unconscious troopers. Pondering what his next course of action should be.

"Keep them contained. You stay here and guard them, alert me as soon as they wake up. Understand?" Skain barked as he have his orders.

"Yes sir!" Klade saluted as his Leader exited the room.

"But sir, what will you do?"

Skain stopped in the doorway, while gripping his Vibroblade tightly, he turned his head to look at his subordinate.

"What will I do? Go to war."


<Outside the Clan Skain base, overlooking from the peninsula>

"What in blazes was that explosion from?!" Master Ta'kael Ouro muttered to his trooper Lieutenant.

"Did you idiots start the attack without me 'OK'ing it first?!"

"No, no sir. That's not possible. I haven't even given the order to move in yet!" Said the Lieutenant to the Jedi.

"Then how do you explain this?!" Barked the Jedi Master.

"Lemme take a look, sir." Replied the LT, as he pulled out his binoculars. While examining the cause of the explosion, the trooper noticed Imperial troops pouring into the base.

"Sir! Imperial Troops are here! They appear to be attacking the base!" Cried the LT.

"What? Already? Impossible, the closest Imperial ship is two systems could they have..wait. Gimme those." The Jedi said as he took the binoculars. As he focused on the troops, he noticed the badges they had on their arms.

"I knew it. Double I-D. Imperial Intelligence Division. No doubt here for the same reason we are.."

"Sir?" Questioned the Trooper.

"Look." Said the Jedi as he handed the LT the device. As the trooper looked through the device, the Jedi explained, "The Insignia on their arms match what the Republic SIS intel suggests about a secret Imperial Covert Operations group. Working tightly with the Dark Council themselves, Particularly one member, Darth Nox. Notoriously known as The Seeker of Dark Knowledge, has an obsession with ancient Sith Holocrons. They must be here for what we're here for."

"Um sir...what are we here for?" Questioned the Trooper.

"Patience, my friend. All in good time. For now, let us help out Mandolorian friends defend their home against the Imperials." Said Ta'kael.

"But sir, haven't we been fighting them for weeks?" Replied the LT.

"Oh Lieutenant, don't you know? The enemy, of my enemy, is my friend?"

"But sir, how do we know they won't fire on us? What if the enemy of our enemy is simply another enemy for us to battle?" Said the LT.

"Yes well, there is always way to find out I suppose. Storm the Imperials!" The Jedi beckoned as he jumped off the cliff, hurling towards the base.

"Sure, and he tells me I need to practice patience..." The LT shook his head and propelled down the cliff.

"All forces, green light, green light, move in. But target the Imperials!"

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