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Taehyung and Jungkook were walking hand in hand, soon they arrived at a door. Taehyung pushed it open and it felt as if they entered a different world, a world where they used books to build stuff. Yes, it was Taehyung's library. So enormously large, books sorted and arranged genre vice, alphabetically.

Jungkook's eyes widened, he could smell the scene of books all around, he never really liked books but this...this was something so enchanting, it took his breath away.

Jungkook let go of Taehyung's hand and ran across the room, taking a good look at all the books over there, he was impressed by Taehyung's collection, there were at least 30,000 books. The books belonged to so many different genres.

Taehyung chuckled at the boy and walked towards him, "Didn't know it was this easy to impress you" He leaned down to whisper in his ears.

The hair on Jungkook's neck stood up conveying the effect Taehyung's voice had on him. He slowly turned around, now face to face with the blonde guy who's breath he could feel on his own face.

Jungkook decided to be bold and snaked his arms across Taehyung's shoulders with a playful smirk on his face and sloppiness laced in his voice, he spoke, "Your existence in itself is enough to intrest me" He inched closer to Taehyung's ear, "I wonder what else about you can be intresting..."

Taehyung's eye widened but he quickly let out a chuckle to hide the effect that had on him, "I'd show you..I'd show you how intresting I am darlin"

Jungkook looked up to Taehyung's face, "what'd you just say?"

He shrugged his shoulders innocently, "I said.. I'll show you that I'm intresting "

"No after that..what'd you say"

Taehyung smirked and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, "Darling.." He whispered, pulling him closer.

Jungkook visibly shivered in Taehyung's hold as he threw his head back. Taehyung licked his lips looking at the sinful expression on Jungkook's face, his alluring neck stretched so wide for Taehyung to mark him.

He leaned down to Jungkook's neck and took a sniff, the smell of the boy had Taehyung feel euphoric, he took a sniff again and again, it was so addicting, like sniffing on a drug to be in a constant state of euphoria, that was how Jungkook's natural scent felt to Taehyung.

Jungkook let out a chuckle and softly pushed Taehyung away as Taehyung's action started to make his neck ticklish. Taehyung though, pulled him closer by his waist making Jungkook let out a grin, "Let me go Tae, we have to go back to studying" He said, teasing the blonde.

Taehyung looked up from the boy's neck with an amused smirk, "Oh yeah? Let's go and study then"

"Yeah let's go" said Jungkook smirking

"Yeah, come" replied Taehyung, still staring at Jungkook, not moving an inch

"Let's go!"

"Yeah let's-" He was cut off when Jungkook lightly hit his chest as they burst out into laughter.

They left the beautiful room hand in hand and studied for the rest of the day, messing around ever so slightly, Jungkook touching Taehyung innocently and Taehyung replying to him not so innocently.


Next day at school

Jimin and Jungkook were walking in the hallways, "Jimin, I low key feel bad for playing with Taehyung's know, he's a nice and sweet guy, poor him, I think he believes that I'm in love with him for real" Jungkook said as he kept on walking, "And you know Jimin-" He stopped when he couldn't feel Jimin walking by his side anymore, he turned around and saw Jimin standing there staring at him, he checked his own clothes to see if something was wrong with his appearance, when he saw nothing he looked at Jimin with a confused expression, "Jimin you idiot, I'm not Min Yoongi, don't look at me like that" he said rolling his eyes.

His statement made Jimin widen his eyes as he quickly rushed to Jungkook and smashed his head, "Jungkook you fucker! Why are saying that in the hallways, can't you see all these kids, what if someone finds out!"

"So let them, at least yoongi will finally come to know about your feelings" He said rubbing his head, "I don't think you'd be able to confess your feelings before school ends"

"I..I just need some time okay!"

"That's what you've been saying for the past 2 yrs, you should confess your feelings before it's too late, what if Yoongi starts dating someone els-"

"No! No he can't..but didn't you hear him say the other day...he said he liked a boy Jungkookie, he likes someone else.." replied jimin, his eyes almost watering.

Jungkook felt a pang in his heart, seeing his best friend like this, love is such a complicated emotion, too complicated for Jungkook to comprehend.

He sighed and looked around to find Yoongi, he decided that he was going help Jimin out, but that's when he saw Taehyung standing in the parking with, oh well who was it? Soohyun!

He hands twitched, clutching the straps of his bagpack tighter as he made his way towards them.

He faked an obnoxious grin and greeted Soohyun, "Omg hey, Soohyun was it?" As he slid his grabbed Taehyung's arm.

"Jungkook, hey" Soohyun replied, the corner of her lips twitching forcefully, her eyes not leaving their hands.

"What are you doing here, Taehyung and I are actually supposed to study" He grinned as widely as he could.

Soohyun sighed with annoyance but quickly replaced it with a smile, "I was actually thinking of hanging out with Taehyung today, I actually don't have a lot of friends in Korea, Taehyung is the only freind I have in this city, I get really lonely. But its okay, I don't mind, I'm always alone, Taehyung you can go ahead, I'll see you later." She said her voice laced with pain, eyes never leaving the ground.

The corner of Jungkook's lips twitched, he didn't know why, he felt no pity for her. The raised his head to glance at Taehyung who seemed a bit taken aback by Soohyun's words, Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes and tightened his hold around Taehyung's hand.

"I.." Taehyung began, "Fine, we can hangout tonight" He sighed, even if he was not very fond of the girl, he couldn't just let someone feel all pathetic because of him, he turned to his side to look at Jungkook, "Jungkook, you should go home, we will study tomorrow" He placed hand on Jungkook's and gave it a light squeeze with a small smile, Jungkook pushed his hand away, scoffing, he turned around and left.

"Jungkook-" before Taehyung could chase after him, Soohyun quickly said, "I know this really good Japanese place, my friend said they have really good sushi" she continued talking about the place and some other stuff that Taehyung paid no attention to as he stood there staring at the fading figure of the boy.

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