Chapter 82

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Today passes in a blur. I spend the most of my time in my office, going through files and getting acquainted with log books and ledgers.

   Once it's time for lunch break, Teyanna knocks on my door. I beckon to her to come in.

   "Are you going to spend the rest of your day working away without having anything to eat?"

   I smile at her. "I just want to be done with this,"

   "Short enough for me to wait?" She asks as she draws out a seat.

   I nod at her. "I just need to input a few numbers and I am done. Just give me a few minutes,"

   Teyanna nods. I am done in a few minutes. Shutting down my system, I push my seat back and stand to my feet. "I'm done,"

   She smiles and stands to her feet too. We walk out of the office together and I realize that a lot of people have gone while some have their lunch in the offices.

   "Isn't it improper to have lunch in the office?" I ask Teyanna as we walk past a young lady eating.

   Teyanna shrugs. "No one has really talked about it."

   "I really took a lot of time in there,"

   "Twenty minutes into the break. We have twenty-five minutes left,"

   "Well, we can finish up before then, right?"

   "It depends on what we're having today. The company serves us free food,"

   "Why would anyone want their own food when there's free food?"

   "Most days, they don't serve what you want to eat. We have a roaster. On some days, I prefer to go down to the deli for dinner, you know? Have fresh spring rolls and iced coffee,"

   I nod. "That's understandable. So do you know what we are having for lunch today?"

   "Macaroni stir fry and meatballs. That's what we will be having today," She gushes, giddy with excitement. "You don't know how happy I am,"

   "It's that delicious?"

   She nods. "Very. I am sure you would love it. And as our manager, you get to serve yourself and get as many meatballs as you want,"

   "Sounds really appetizing, I must say,"

   Teyanna nods.

   We walk past the corridors and stop in front of the elevator. It's just us two waiting and when the door dings and opens, two people step out and nod at us in greetings before going their way.

   We both step into the elevator and Teyanna taps on the second floor button before she turns to me with a smile.

   "Gossip has been flying around about you, Jocelyn,"

   I sigh and roll my eyes back into my head. "Gossip always flies around but I wonder why they would be talking about me instead of working. It better be something bad because I am going to suspend some people,"

   Teyanna looks at me in panic. "No. No one is talking about you,"

   "Because I said I was going to be suspending some people? I burst into laughter. She closes her eye. "You can't do that, you know?"


   "It will raise more talk. People are still getting used to you and they wouldn't like you so much if you keep suspending,"

   "I don't care if they like me or not. They should be working and not gossiping about their new manager,"

   The elevator stops and the door opens.

   The lobby is filled with people. This lunch break looks more like a party than a lunch break. Teyanna sees my surprise and laughs.

   "That's how it is," She chuckles. "Lunch break is when everyone gets to socialize and talk to their friends. Let's go to the dining hall before lunch break ends,"

   Nodding, we both push the glass doors open. I am taken aback by the interior of the hall. It looks like a restaurant. Sitting arrangements and all that.

   "Wow. I thought this was going to be a really mediocre place,"

   Teyanna laughs and leads me to the front of the room where the long counters are. There are three chefs standing in front of a buffet serving ware.

   "That was what we all thought when Mr Marcel proposed opening a recess hall for us all last year. After announcing it at the party, we all believed it was just a scheme to make us all stay in the company for the whole day. You know, we all loved to eat outside. Change environment and breathe new air,"

   "But you all still have the freedom do go wherever, right?"

   Teyanna nods. "Not all the time, though. Some people say this is a trap. Free food to keep us in here,"

   I frown. "That's a stupid train of thought,"

   "I feel the same thing. Because why would I be mad that the CEO opens a recess hall where we are all served free food and thinks he wants to keep us here. I think it's absolutely stupid,"

   "You don't have to feel because it is stupid."

   Teyanna chuckles and hands me a ceramic plate. She takes one for herself and we go over to where the server stands. She hands over her plate to the old lady.

   "She's our new manager,"

   "What department?" The woman asks, looking at me with a scrutinizing gaze.


   I notice that Teyanna's voice has changed and I wonder why she sounds like that.

   She asks me to serve myself and I take exactly as much as Teyanna's.

   "You should have taken more than one meatball," Teyanna says as we walk towards one of the empty spaces in the large hall.

   I shrug and set my tray on the squeaky clean table. "I would love to do that but I do not like that woman,"

   "Same here," Teyanna says and contorts her face in displeasure.

   "She looked like she was going to pluck my eyes out if I took more."

   "If she knew the gossips about you and Mr Marc—"

   "Enough about him, Tey. I do not like being in the same sentence with him,"

   "Why..." Her voice fades off and her brows raise. "Well, speak of the devil and he will appear,"

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