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We were taken inside the ship soon. Jalal was crying and calling my name. I frowned as my heart ached. He was only five and witnessing all this. The man holding me turned to the other one and spoke in a foreign language. I couldn't understand what they were saying so I simply ignored them and asked Jalal not to be scared. I gave him a fake smile and turned to glare at the guard. He smirked and locked us in a room. "Are you alright, Jalal?" I asked him, softly. He had tears in his eyes but, he nodded nonetheless. I was worried because Jalal had an asthmatic problem. Remembering this my eyes widened. I forgot his medicines in the car!

I kept banging my fists on the metal door, calling the guards. An hour went by and nobody showed up. "Why the hell would you even capture us?" I yelled at the door. I walked to where Jalal was sitting and took him in my arms. "Its alright, Don't worry. I will keep you safe like I always do." I spoke softly, hugging his small structure to mine. "Maria, what's going to happen to us?" He asked me, sniffling. I sighed and hugged him tighter. "I don't know buddy." I said.

The door opened wide to reveal three large men. They looked dangerous but right now I didn't care. My brother was more important to me than my own self. "He needs his medicine." I stated, glaring at the men. One of them entered the room and took me by the arm. "Hey, Let go!" I yelled trying to free my arm. He just yanked on it harder. My wrist started to hurt and tears collected in my eyes. "Let go you ass!" I yelled, Kicking him on the leg. He didn't even budge. I glared at his muscle. The other two brought my brother and his dog behind us. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that my brother would still be in my sight.

We stopped in front of large, metal double doors. I stared ahead, ignoring the guard. He pushed open the doors revealing a sort of meeting room. There were four men sitting in chairs in front of a large desk. One of the men nodded to the guard and he left with the other two. Our dog started barking but once the raven haired man gave him a strange look, he immediately shut up. I walked to Jalal and picked him up. When I turned around, the man was right in front of me. Startled, I took a few steps back. "Why did you take us?" I asked, making sure to sound unfazed but, on the inside I was screaming in utter fear. Jalal clung tightly to me, afraid of the large men. "We are taking over your side of the planet. It is only appropriate if we take the inhabitants in our custody." He spoke in a monotone voice. I glared at him. How dare he? This is our planet and he thinks he can just take over so easily.

"We're not your pets, nor are we your possessions that you can just take us out of our homes. This planet is ours." I stated. He smirked, and grabbed my wrist. I held onto Jalal with one arm as Raven dragged me across the room to another door. "So feisty, I wonder if that big mouth of yours would get you into trouble one day." He spoke. He was amused by my behaviour but I wasn't here to entertain him or his ego.

We entered through the door, into an office. He let go of my now red wrist and sat on the chair behind the desk. "I need to find a good use for you, You certainly seem useful." He said. I looked at my brother and saw that he had a problem breathing. "Jalal?" I called him. He kept trying hard to breathe as much as he could. "Please, you need to help him first, I'll do whatever you ask." I told the alien. He grinned and nodded. "But of course." He said and pressed a button on his desk.

Another alien came at the door and bowed his head. Raven told him something in his alien language and pointed towards my struggling brother. The alien came and took Jalal from my arms and started walking out the door. I turned to Raven and asked, "Can I please go with him?" I expected him to allow me but he said no.

I didn't fight though. My brother needed me to protect him and this was the only way. I simply nodded and sat down on a chair, he didn't mind but only started paying his attention to some paperwork.

Seeing Blue (Vol 2 of The Outsider series.)Where stories live. Discover now