Book 1 - 7 ) "You are our eternal respect"

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"You decide to finally show yourself! Well, Ishiha Kenpyri, I challenge you to single combat. Meet me right now in Hell. Mei, watch them!"
"Understood master!"

The young girl holds Suika in awe while she yells not to leave with him and to the stranger to stop.  As for me, I follow this swordsman to an unknown place in hell, where several swords remain planted in the ground.

"Do you know Kikuri? He asks me suddenly.
"Yes."  I answer "I sealed it in my tachi because she wanted to devour me. And you?"
"It's about my girlfriend, and you sealed it... Sorry for you, but your actions have consequences. My name is Kongara and remember that name because it may be the last you hear  !"

I understand better.  Thus, he wants revenge for the sealing of his betrothed.

"Very well. Since you take it like that, I'm going to make you regret taking it out on Yuugi and Suika. Actions have consequences after all."

This place where all the swords are pointed remains an ideal place for a fight to the death.  I give him the first attack that he blocks his blade cutting the trajectory of mine to his blow before almost cutting mine to report on slicing my chest. 

Therefore, I retreat, avoiding getting killed, barely blocking a counterattack.  Then everything happens at the same time;  none of us are holding back.  We seek indeed to destroy the vital points of one another.  The most frustrating thing is that neither of us can still get the upper hand on the other, even if Kongara has a big advantage. 

That's when I have an idea: to instill faith in the swords as well as in my arms.  So, I push him back harder sending him waltzing on the floor then chopping off his head.  Suddenly, a blade lodged in my right eye then almost cut me half of the face if I did not step back again.  Until then, things remain clear: Kongara surpasses me in swordsmanship, while I surpass him in life with martial force and weapons.  In this case, I put them away, and decide to put myself in a defensive position. 

My opponent - not understanding why - laughs and mocks.  In addition, he attacks me with an extremely powerful sword technique.  Alas for him, I grab his blade then break it with one hand.  Then I punch him, giving him a thousand punches a second in two minutes. 

For the last, I slice it with my two hands, taking - in addition - a piece of its horn, and planting it with it.  This helpless one remains - however - standing facing me.  Raising my hand like a man who raises his sword, I cut him down, coldly cutting off his head, well no. 

In truth, I stop at the last moment;  which surprises him.  Let him know he's not the only one, since he didn't hesitate to do this to Yuugi.  I thus turn my back on him, confessing to him in half words:

"Killing me is useless. I don't know why but I keep coming back. Also, I'm sorry for Kukuri; I didn't know that.  had a choice in view of the situation. For the trouble, if you want to free her, and get a new sword, it's now or never. Goodbye, ex-deva! Don't forget to apologize to your old ones  friends on the other hand, otherwise I will find you and you risk not surviving for a long time.

I greet him one last time before leaving, except that I have my chest cut off.  Yet no one is in front of me.  Turning around to ask him, I see his smile.  You too, you weren't thoroughly, huh?  Decidedly, one can is really stupid.  However, my chest is regenerating as if nothing had happened;  which makes him understand the uselessness of his revenge.  Seeing that it is not a blow in train, not a blow post-pugna, I return alone to the old hell without being worried.  I see on my way again the dove which guides me to the last place.  However, no one is there anymore;  everyone seems to have disappeared.  Despite everything, while looking, I see Kasen taking care of Yuugi and Suika, and hear his reprimands which will make this infernal duo laugh more than anything.  Not wanting to interrupt this moment, I am about to leave, at the same time, separate myself from them.  Why now ?  Well, I sense a breach near where we are, and I want to go look.  However, I stay there stupidly waiting for them to finish to say goodbye.  I cry my heart out thinking about it: What if I never come back?  What if I become their enemy?  I've never had any friends before except Yu, and now... We no!  They arrive !  I don't want her to see me like this, so... weak.

Then they wouldn't be real friends.

Kasen, Yuugi, and Suika are right in front of me.  Without thinking, I give them a hug and then confess:

"I will miss you! I will miss you so much. Except that I have to leave. Even if I will live a romance if I stay, I have an answer to seek... If I had been told one day that you would be my  friends, I would have laughed at him. And now I'm cuddling you right now without knowing why. No, I know why: I love you very much, friendly I mean."

Yuugi is the first to laugh followed by Suika, while Kasen seems much more moved.  As a bonus, she gives me a huge bag that contains my gifts and some surprises in it.  Suika gives me a canteen and Yuugi gives me a nice friendly pat and a new weapon.  She tells me like this:

"Even though we are far apart, we still remain close with our hearts. We will meet again, Pyri! You have our undying respect!"

I must admit ;  calling me that makes me blush.  The last goodbyes said, I join the breach that opens with these thousand eyes that look at me then affirm:

"I'll be close to my goal. And I'll be back for a drink with you."

End of Book 1

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