We'll Be Home Soon.

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TW: [Multiple] Major Character Deaths.


"We still have your ticket if you'd like to come," Jimin told Jin, waving his passenger ticket in his face as they stood at the dock of the cruise ship.

"No thank you, I told you I hate the open ocean," Jin replied.

"It will be more fun if you come with us hyungie!" Jungkook started pulling on Jin's arm and tried dragging him onto the ship as they were getting ready to board.

"No, no," Jin pulled away, "You guys have a fun time."

The members had won tickets for a week's cruise, and the rest of them were excited to go, but Jin was terrified of open water and politely declined the vacation.

Yoongi groaned, "You're really going to force me to be the oldest on this vacation?"

Jin laughed, "It's about time I got a break!" This made all of the members giggle. As the last boarding call was being called on they all said goodbye to Jin and hugged him.

"Remember to call me and text me and FaceTime me every single day while you're out there! Keep hyung updated!" Jin yelled after them. He was excited to have some time to himself, but he knew he'd miss them.

They waved goodbye to eachother as the ship took off to sea. Jin saw Namjoon lean over the rail too far as he was waving and Yoongi had to pull him backwards. The oldest laughed to himself. Good luck, Yoongs.

The first thing Jin did when he got back home was play video games, his favorite past time, especially when there was nobody around to bother him. He had gotten up to grab a drink when he tripped over one of Jungkook's dolls, Jungkook called them action figures, and Jin always teased him, loving to call them dolls. He got back to playing his games and was already receiving multiple photos and texts from all of his members.

On the ship, the members were busy. Some went to the pool, others went to little stage performances, and Namjoon enjoyed sitting on the dock and reading a nice book. They'd meet back up to grab meals or play games. They shared one big suite inside the ship that conveniently had six beds in it. They made sure to send Jin pictures and videos of absolutely everyone and everything.

A few days had passed and Jin realized how bored and lonely he was getting without his dongsaengs around. The house was quiet, too quiet. Even with their phone updates it wasn't the same as having them there in person. He was looking forward to their return and couldn't wait to hug them all in his arms again. He checked his phone to see them all texting the group chat letting him know more about their day and that they were getting ready for bed.

BTS Groupchat:

Yoongi: I saw a shark a little earlier

Namjoon: Jimin broke one of the toilets

Jimin: He's lying no I didn't that was him!!

Taehyung: kekekeke

Hobi: hyung! i won 10$ on a duck game!!

Kookie: im tired. goodnight jin hyungie!! we'll be home soon:) !!

Jin smiled. Home soon. He said goodnight to them all and decided he was exhausted too and went to bed for the night. 

He woke up pretty late the next morning and was surprised to see that nobody had texted him yet.


After Jin texted everyone goodnight, the members all got ready for bed. Jungkook was the first one passed out. Not long after everyone was asleep, a giant thud and ear piercing screech occured, sending the members barreling out of their beds onto the floor, crashing into eachother.

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