Chapter 7

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Third person's POV

After Akashi walks out from the room, Kuroko quickly change into the dress that Akashi prepared for him and perfecting his wig.

He walks out and meet Akashi, who is waiting for him.

"Tetsuya, you look so pretty this evening."

"T-Thx, Sei-kun."

"Let's wait for them at the living room" Akashi said as he enetertwins his finger with his Tetsuya's finger.

--------At Ahomine and Ryoutaho's room----------

"Ahominechii!!!" Kise yelled.

"Tch! You're so annoying, Kise!" Aomine said as he walks out from the bathroom.

"Get off from the way, Aominechii! I have to take a quick bath now-ssu!" Kise shout as he pushes Aomine out from the bathroom and slam the door then lock it.

"Tch! Annoying." Aomine said as he walks and changes to his clothes. When changing his clothes, he sees there is a book that Kise puts in their room table. The book title is: 'How to confess to someone you like'. 'Eh? That annoying model have someone he likes? I wonder who is her'

Kise get out from the bathroom and find out that Aomine is staring at the book he just read.


"Oh, Kise! What is this?" Aomine said when pointing at the book.

"T-That is... As you can see Aominechii... It's a book." Kise answered with shivering tone.

"That's not what I mean, BAKA! What is it for? Do you have someone you like?" Aomine asked.

"W-well, as you can see, Aominechii... I do like someone... But, I think he doesn't like me back..." Kise said with a sad tone.

"He? You like a boy?!?" Aomine shouted. Quickly, Kise closes Aomine's mouth

"Yeah... It's a boy... That's why... And please don't shout." Kise-kun said and he let go of Aomine.

"I see... You just like Akashi and Tetsu, hah? I like a boy too. So, it's okay..." Aomine said and looks away.

"Eh? Aominechii too? I wonder who is it? Ne, Aominechii~ tell me~"

"BAKA! Go get change now! I'll be waiting for you outside!"

"Aominechii~!!!" Kise-kun called and Aomine just walk out with blush on his face.

Aomine actually like Kise and Kise likes him back. But, how poor... Both of them don't know each other feeling...

Will Kise and Aomine find out their both feeling towards each other or still keeping it for themselves?

Find out on the next chapter~
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

See you on the next chapter~

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