Chapter 9

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Akashi's POV

"Tetsuya" I called his name out as we both walk back to our room

"Yes, Sei-kun?" He asked innocently

"Please be prepare"

"Eh?" He said with a confusing tone

"You'll now soon, Tet-su-ya~" I said with teasing tone and smirks.


When we finally get in our room, I pushed him down to the bed.


"Soon, Tetsuya. So soon~" I said and kiss him.

"Mmn..." I bit his lower and enter his mouth. He moans as I start exploring his mouth. As I kiss him, I start undressing him.

Third person's POV

Akashi's finger starts undressing his lover and playing with his nubs.

"Mn... S-Sei-ku--" Kuroko moans.

Akashi starts moving his hand to Kuroko's lower part and start undressing his lower. As he undressing Kuroko, Kuroko moans out when Akashi struck his 'member'. Akashi then moves his finger and inserts in Kuroko's hole. When he started to move in and out his fingers, Kuroko moans more louder. Akashi then pulled out his 'member' and insert it to Kuroko.

"S-Sei-kun... My body...nghh....gonna...break...." Kuroko said as he moans.

"No, you won't, Tetsuya. I'll make sure you enjoy it." Akashi said with a teasing sound and bite Kuroko's ear. Kuroko moans and blushes more harder.

Akashi starts moving in and out as Kuroko cries out. He tries to hit the blunette sweet spot and he did it. The blunette moans more louder and cries out when Akashi hit his sweet spot.

"Sei...*pants*...Sei-kun.... I'm gonna.... *pants*.....cum...." He said as he pants and moans.

"Me too, Tetsuya. Let's come together" Akashi said and they both reach their climax. Akashi comes inside the blunette.

They both lay on their bed, exhausted. Kuroko hits Akashi chest softly and Akashi chuckles out and hugs him. Kuroko blushes more when he heard his lover chuckle voice and he hugs him back.

"I told you to go on easy on me with that sentence." Kuroko said as he pouted. ((If you don't understand, read again and try to understand what I mean~ XD))

"Tetsuya is so cute. So I can't hold myself back anymore." Akashi said as he chuckle out at his lover words.

"I hate you" Kuroko mumbled but it's loud enough for Akashi to hear.

"I love you too, Tetsuya." Akashi said and hugs him tightly

"Good night, Tetsuya." He said as he kiss his forehead and hugs him.

"Good night, Sei-kun" Kuroko replied and hugs him more tighter.

-----at aoki's room-----
"Aominechii, give it back-ssu~ -3-" Kise said

"No, I won't, Kise. You don't need this book anymore" Aomine replied as he keeps his lover book to his bag and lock it. ((If you wonder what book, just read chapter 8, maybe~))

"But--" Kise said.

"No buts, Kise." Aomine said and cut Kise off.

"Fine~ Anyway, Aominechii~ have you done with brushing your teeth?" Kise said ad he pointed his mouth.

"I haven't even start -_-" Aomine replied.

"Be quick, Aominechii~ I want to use the bathroom too." Kise said and lay down to their bed.

"Fine fine"

Aomine said as he walks in the bathroom.

---after 5minutes---
((Sorry but Author wants to make a surprise for Ryoutaho, I mean Kise-kun so she skips~ (≧▽≦) ))

"Ryouta, I'm finish" Aomine walks out from the bathroom.

Kise stares at Aomine because Aomine purposely don't wear his tops and only boxers. Kise blushes as he see his lover sexiness.

"Like what you see?" Aomine said and smirks.

"I-i don't!" Kise replied and blushes so hard. He rushes in the bathroom and slam the door.

'I guess he is blushing so hard inside there' Aomine think as he smirks.

Minna-san, gomenne, I forgot about the update~ tee hee~

This is the real chapter 9 for you all then! ❤ Hope you enjoy.

And I have some announcement for you all. I don't know if this is a good or bad news for you all so here I go!

Thx for 1.11K readers!!!
I love you all my readers! ❤

☄Thx for 100+ votes!!!
I love you so much~! ❤

☄I think I'm gonna stop this story in next chapter and I'm gonna start new story.

Thx for reading this story, Minna! ❤ I love you all

So, have a nice day and see ya! ☆~(ゝ。∂)




~Misaki Suo

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