Leaving pt. 3 (Marina)

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(Sorry this took so long! Here's the 3rd part!!)

*Maya POV*
Maya was spinning, everything was weightless around her. She could faintly hear Andy yelling her name.

All that crossed her mind was Carina, sure Maya had wanted to die, more so recently, but she thought it would be of her own occord. By her own choice. But now it was too late.

The universe had decided it was her time.


Her name echoed in Mayas mind. She saw her beautiful smile flash across her mind, her beautiful brown eyes, her brown flowing hair. Her gorgeous smiling face.

And then,


Andy POV

"MAYA!!" Andy yelled as the heard more than saw the final crash of the car reaching the bottom of the cliff.

Warren yelled as well hoping beyond reason that Maya would respond.

The team stood mostly frozen, unsure of what to do. Quickly Ross took over.

"Alright. 19 I want you off this call."

"HELL NO. WE ARE NOT LEAVING WITHOUT BISHOP" Andy yelled, furious that Ross would even consider it.

"Bishop is one of us, we can get her out. Let us get her home!"
Ben added.

Ross looked at the fire fighters. She knew she should take them off, but also knew none of them would leave.

"Alright. Herrera and Warren the two of you are climbing down for rescue. Hughes you have Herrera, Gibson you have Warren. The rest of you secure the area and help them get ready."

Ross ordered them before running over to the next firehouse thay responded to tell them what to do.

As they were preparing to go down Andy stopped.


Who was going to tell Carina?

"Ben." Andy called


"Carina. Who?- how are we gonna tell her?"

"I- I don't knowm we need to wait till we get down there and know what Mayas injuries are."

Andy nodded. Ben was right, there first priority was getting to Maya.

Mayas POV

When Maya opened her eyes she expected to feel pain, see burnt car and rubble around her.
Instead she saw clouds.

'The clouds' Maya thought
'I'm finally safe in the clouds.'

The clouds were perfect and fluffy, Maya felt as light as air, there was a light sound of wind but otherwise just warmth and silence.

'What a nice feeling' Maya thought.

'The only thing that could make this better would be....'

Maya said out loud.

Suddenly Maya felt herself falling again, plummeting towards the earth. Maya began to hyperventilate but as she landed on the ground she felt no pain, in fact she had landed rather softly.

Maya opened her eyes confused. She was in her room. More specifically in her and Carinas bed.

'Carina' Maya thought again.

Andy POV

Andy and Ben had gotten suited up and along with the EMT bag and back bored began descending down the mountain, hoping Maya was still alive wherever she landed.

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