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Thanks to @LAntidotee for the idea!

The company was sponsored by a cooking show and who did they pick to do the cooking show? Sniper and medic. Worse choice ever.
Here's why.


Medic put on a apron same as sniper, snipers said "1# sniper" while medics said "Man tits" on his chest medic looked to sniper whispering "vhat are ze cooking again?" Sniper replied "cake" then Engie yelled "we're live!!" Medic did a slight bow looking at his words underneath the table "velcome to zhe cooking zhow vith Mundy and Joseph/Ludwig and vhere baking cake" medic stood up fully as sniper grabbed the stuff we needed sniper started cooking while medic was struggling to open the icing while sniper explained what to do you could hear a loud "POP" as icing sprayed all on medics face and sniper looked to him then the camera "don't copy him" and medic froze then whipped the icing off his face as Pyro was laughing behind the camera.

Medic glared at Pyro as he opened everything else soon enough sniper was struggling with the oven and all you could hear was a lot of clicking noises soon medic turned to sniper "jou dummkopf!" Medic fixed the oven that sniper fucked up.

The cake was done last was the icing and medic had to leave to get another bag as sniper told terrible jokes to the camera and as medic opened that bag... It popped again but on medic, sniper and the floor soon sniper fell and medic was trying to help but he fell too heavy had to go back there and pick them both up to put them on there feet while both were covered in icing and everyone was laughing same as medic and sniper hardly able to talk to the camera without wheezing then Engie asked "wait... What type of cake did you'll bake?" Sniper looked to the cake "Red valet with vanilla icing" finally they got the icing to not break.

As medic was putting the icing on the cake vary gently sniper spoke "wow, he's gentle with icing but when in bed he's-" medic took snipers hat and put it on making sniper cross him arms "hey, watcher or viewer ya want to kill sum people? Join us" medic kicked sniper in the foot "what was that for mate!!" Then spy popped up watching medic closely "he's trying to focus your messing him up bushman" sniper snorted "with my handsomeness?" As he said that medic glared at sniper as sniper laughed and hugged medic slightly "I'm sorry, et was a joke mate!" Medic finished with the icing taking a thin metal flat (idk wut it's called) and spun the cake as he flatend the icing (I'm so sorry for my misspelling).

Sniper was hugging medic from behind watching him, sniper left the screen grabbing coffee and drunk it walking back to medic.

Medic looked at the cake proud of himself until sniper spoke "we should add sum edible glitter" medic looked at him confused "we have that-" soon Pyro ran to them with the glitter and just as there luck... He tripped and glitter was everywhere, on everyone too but some was luckily on the cake and sniper wheezed covering his mouth and helped Pyro up.

Medic looked to the camera and smiled "this is how you make cake!" Then sniper yelled "THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO YOU" as Engie turned off the camera. Everyone was laughing and soon sniper fell pulling medic with him and laughed as Pyro fell again then scout tried to help Pyro, he fell too. Sniper kissed medic softly on the head getting glitter all on his lips and a clean mark on medics head soon heavy fell with a loud THUD and everyone was laughing and wheezing and sniper and medic stood up as best as they can "vhose cleaning zhis?" Medic wondered and Soldier yelled "THE COOKING SHOW COMPANY ARE" and medic nodded then Engie looked to his camera "guys.... I didn't end the live" everyone shut up then Engie ended the live.

"My bad" -Engineer

I think this is the longest chapter I've wrote!

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