dumb lil stuffs

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Scunt was walking to the infirmary skipping down the hallway then walked in on medic and sniper sitting together, medic writing and sniper leaning on his shoulder both had earbuds connected to a radio and scunt hummed "they probably can't hear me" he thought then pulled through cord "CPR" started playing out loud and both jumped sniper turning to scunt quickly who was on the ground laughing his ass off and medic turned the song off taking out his bone saw and ran after scunt in the hallway until he ran into heavy who scunt hid behind "Misha.... Je started et!" Medic said pitifully then demo was laughing his ass off and sniper grumbled leaving to his camper. Medic looked down in defeat.

Idea from @LAntidotee

Other idea jokes I had:

Scout looked at demo thinking hard "was you in the bloody marsh?" Demo looked over and medic yelled out "NEIN!" Then demo chuckled "of course lad!" Medic groaned "we had big swords! Slice through ya arm, cut et clean off!" Heavy looked over "how old is us in little man's head?" Scout shrugged "you'll are old as fuck" medic whined in annoyance. Scout looked at spy "ay spy!" Spy groaned and cloaked scout stood their then said "pussy." Spy appeared next to scout holding the butt of his gun next to scouts head "I'll knock your ass out."

History lesson! GA hired Highland Scots to defend GA from the Spanish! GA residents had to plant a mulberry tree in their land for a worm that produces silk and sell the silk to England! And French loved beaver fur, I think I'm right!

(>w<) have a good day/night/morning/noon/idfk/hour/second/minute/life/sunrise/walk/sleep/etc.

I just freaked out I thought I deleted all my stuff bc I used the text bomb on facemoji <3

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